Chapter Nine

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"Hey, sleepyhead".

Gulf started complaining, his eyes not opened yet. "Uhm, I'm tired". Gulf had no idea what time it was, still he was pretty sure he had not slept his usual nine hours.

"Don't you want your breakfast?". Mew tried to wake him up as sweetly as possible, but Gulf was not in the mood to cooperate. "No, I want to sleep".

Mew laughed, leaning on him. "Are you being stubborn with the birthday boy?".

Gulf snorted, struggling to open his eyes. "It's not fair, and it's your fault if I didn't get enough sleep".

Mew looked at him, amused. "Actually, it's almost noon. The others have been awake for hours".

Gulf pouted, elbows on the mattress. He didn't have to take a look at the mirror to know he was a mess, because Mew was seriously struggling not to laugh in his face. "What?".

Mew leaned closer and ran his fingers on his hair. "I didn't know you were such a baby in the morning".

Gulf glared at him but he was probably as scary as a kitty. "I'm not a baby...".

Mew raised an eyebrow, his eyes glimmering teasingly. "...said he in a baby voice".

Gulf yawned, stretching his arms. Mew was still looking at him with a smile on his face. "What?".

Mew let out a soft chuckle, shaking his head slightly. "Nothing. Let's go get something to eat".


After taking a quick shower, Mew and Gulf joined the others in the common room of the hotel, where they were joking around and strumming their guitars. When Run noticed the two of them walking towards them with some food on their plates, he could not help but tease them: "About time! We were about to call for backup...I hope the night was at least rewarding".

Gulf coughed, trying not to blush. "Very". Mew just put on his arrogant smile to deal with his friends being their usual selves. Gulf sipped his coffee, trying not to laugh at the truth of his words.

"Leave 'em alone, it's not their fault if you didn't have fun". Saint nudged at Run and Tong smirked off his face.

"That's...true". Run glared at him and everyone laughed.

"So, what were you doing?".

Tong smiled at Gulf's question and showed him a bottle of Coke, almost empty. He took a glass and filled it with what was left in the bottle. "Now we can play". Gulf suddenly regretted asking that question.

"Spin the bottle, really?". Mew glanced at him, while Run was asking some girls to join them.

"Hey, it was his idea". Tong looked at Gulf, amused. "You're in?".

Gulf didn't want to be a buzzkill, so he just shrugged. "It's just a game". He had to admit it: he wasn't thrilled at the idea of seeing Mew kissing other people right in front of him, considering how many wanted to do it the night before. But he could not say it out loud. Their relationship was...developing but they were not boyfriends.

"I want to go first!".  One of the girls started spinning the bottle and of course it had to stop before Mew. While the girl could not restrain her excitement, Saint glanced at Gulf, checking his reaction. Trying to act unaffected, Gulf started drinking his Coke, while the girl approached Mew.

But when she put her lips on his, his eyes immediately drifted to Gulf. Gulf swallowed hard, his breath catching at the intensity in his gaze. Was he really looking at him while kissing that girl? Was he imagining kissing him instead? Gulf stared back, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of having him know how uncomfortable it was. Even if this whole staring thing made it clear he didn't care about that girl in the least. The look in her eyes when she returned to her seat said that she probably felt it too.

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