Chapter Three

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Walking with Mew on the seashore was at the same time peaceful and electrifying. He was keeping some distance, so Gulf had the chance to actually focus on the conversation and not on the way he had chills every time the back of their hands accidentally brushed. "So we went to the same high school? Really?".

Gulf did not know how they ended up talking about it, but he accidentally told him he had seen him somewhere before. Considering they didn't have the same circle of friends, the options were limited to say the least. "Yeah, but we barely met. You were graduating".

Mew nodded, sipping some of his beer with a thoughtful look. "But you remember me".

Gulf thanked his lucky star it was dark already, so the other could not see him turning beet red. "Yeah, I've got a good memory". He really hoped the lie was convincing enough.

Mew looked at him for a few seconds, while Gulf kept himself busy with his beer, which was almost empty. "I bet you were pretty popular".

Gulf laughed at the absurdity of what he had just said. "What? No, on the contrary. I was probably in the lowest position of the social scale. I used to be very quiet, except when I was around my friends".

Mew suddenly stopped, laying the towel on the ground. He sat down, waiting for Gulf to do the same. "Well, they're all idiots in high school anyway. Look at you, already talking to the popular ones".

Gulf smiled, he figured that Mew and his friends had a reputation, considering how many people had kept on staring at Gulf throughout the party. He nodded, moving his feet in the sand. "I don't mind standing aside. Well, except for soccer games".

After a few seconds of silence, Gulf realized Mew was looking at him with a serious look. Gulf tried not to panic, but his heartbeat had no intention to cooperate. "You're doing it again". Mew frowned, probably not even realizing what he was doing. "The staring thing".

A sudden realization crossed his eyes, followed by a "Ooh, that. You said you didn't mind".

Gulf wanted to scream, was he for real? Didn't he realize he was making him nervous? Or he just didn't care? "Yeah, I know but...".

Mew put his beer on the ground and then locked eyes with him. "It's because you're attractive".

To say he didn't see it coming was an understatement. Gulf blushed so hard he thought he was going on fire. He did not know what to say, he had not prepared for such a scenario even in his wildest dreams. He leaned his back on the ground, trying to buy some time.

Mew leaned towards him, a devilish smile on his face. "What? Am I repulsive or something?".

Gulf glared at him. "I think you know all too well the effect you have on people". Well, he was not improving his situation, that's for sure.

Mew rested his elbow on the ground, his body close to Gulf's. Again, his face was way too near for Gulf to be calm. "Right now I'm pretty interested in what effect I have on you".

Gulf swallowed, looking at Mew's lips. He had tried hard not to do it for the entire night. But now Mew had just told him he was attracted to him, and how was he supposed to hold back? Mew was staying still, waiting for a reaction from him, considering he had exposed himself a great deal. For a moment, Gulf looked at him in the eyes, which really gave him one last push. In a single motion, Gulf raised his back from the ground and drew him to himself, pulling him by the shirt. Now that his mouth was on his, Gulf could taste the bitter fragrance of the beer they had been drinking. It did not bother him, though, because he would have probably tried to escape the whole situation if not for the liquid courage.

Mew put his hand behind his neck, bringing Gulf's face even closer. There was a fire between them he had not anticipated. Gulf could feel it in the way Mew was running his fingers through his hair and then slower on his back. In a matter of minutes – actually he had no idea how much time had passed since they started kissing – Mew took him by the hips, wrapping his strong arms around him, making Gulf sit on his lap.

When Mew started brushing his lips on his neck to tease him, Gulf unwittingly squeezed his arms. "So you like it here...". 

Mew started moving his lips on all the sensitive parts, kissing his way up to his earlobe. A small moan slipped out from Gulf's mouth, which was turning Mew on even more. The older made him lay his back on the ground again and kept on kissing his neck, slowly descending to his Adam's apple and then stopping near the first botton of his shirt. When he realised Gulf wasn't stopping him, Mew started unbottoning his shirt, leaving a wet kiss each time he opened a new one.

Gulf stayed there a little exposed, while Mew was flicking open the bottons of his own shirt, shrugging it off his shoulders. All his thoughts disappeared as he tossed the shirt to the side. Without thinking, Gulf's hand traveled along his naked chest, and he reached for him again, his eyes darkening with desire. Every kiss and every touch was so intoxicating that he could not think about anything else. A shiver coursed through him, feeling Mew's fingertips grazing the curve of his ass.

Gulf was about to explode when Mew pulled away a little, grasping for air. Still on top of him, he whispered: "Should I stop?".

There was something about Mew's eyes that made chills crawl down his spine. Rationally, Gulf knew it was a bad idea, or better the worst. But his body was screaming to go for it, because those kind of things could only happen once in a lifetime. He was still shocked it was happening at all.

As a response, Gulf rubbed his body against his, igniting a hunger in Mew's eyes, which was turning his legs to jelly. Then Gulf's lips found his ear, dropping his voice to a whisper: "No".   

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