Chapter Nineteen

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"When your mother said she cooked for an army she wasn't joking". Gulf tiredly flopped down on Mew's bed, feeling a little sleepy.

Mew smiled just looking at him and laid down next to him. In a natural gesture, he wrapped him in his arms, stroking his soft belly. Gulf let him do it, feeling extremely comfortable against his chest. "I'm sorry about my parents, you've been flooded with questions".

Gulf rested his head on the pillow, feeling Mew's warm breath against his neck. "It's okay, I don't mind. They're cool". The older smiled, relieved. "Your cousin on the other hand...".

Mew sighed, loosening his grip a little bit. "He's a jerk. Even more when he's drunk".

Gulf turned to look at him, wanting to make sure he was okay. "You don't have to but you can talk to me if you want. I'm here". 

Gulf gently took his hand, intertwining their fingers together. This seemed to stir something in Mew. "His name was Kris. I was crazy about him, to the point I couldn't shut up, bringing him up every time I could. First love and all, I guess". Gulf kept on stroking his hand to give him courage to continue. "He didn't want our relationship to be out in the open. I didn't care, as long as I could stay by his side. I stupidly thought it was his way of protecting what we had. But of course it wasn't like that".

Mew swallowed hard. "Hey". Gulf nailed his eyes on him, noting how watery they were. It was heartbreaking. 

"One day I surprised him at his house after a fight. I wanted to make it up to him. And that's when I found him with one of my closest friends".

Gulf didn't know what to say, it was a lot to digest.  He could not even begin to imagine how hard it must have been for him to open up now, with him. But no matter how hard, Mew could not stop himself anymore.

"Deer. I've known him since I was a little kid. He never left my side, or Tong's. Zee never really liked him. I guess he was the smartest of us all".

Gulf pulled him closer to him, making him rest his head on his chest. "You couldn't have known".

Mew shook his head. "I should have. I gave him all my heart, but he never loved me. I shouldn't have been so blind".

Gulf stroke his hair, trying to find the right words. "You were in love. Love makes us do the craziest things". 

This time Mew just nodded, the silence invading the room for a few minutes. "I had trust issues ever since. I didn't want to get too close to anyone. Physically and emotionally".

Suddenly all the things Tong had told him about Mew made much more sense. Also his preference for casual sex. Still... "And to answer your question, that's why I didn't normally kiss my sex buddies".

Gulf had no idea how to react to the fact that kissing was a big deal to Mew: even so, since their very first time, Mew seemed to have no problem with it...with him. Mew looked uncomfortable again, probably guessing Gulf's stream of thoughts. "Well, I guess my lips are really a deal breaker".

Gulf smiled proudly and Mew laughed, softened by Gulf's way of cheering him up. "Yeah".

Gulf was marveled at the way his laughter always sent goosebumps all over his body without fail. He knew Mew was still shaken by their conversation but being able to somehow lighten up his mood meant a lot to him. "If I'd known sooner I would have made you work harder for a kiss".

Mew squeezed his hips playfully. "Is that so?".

Gulf nodded, licking his own lips very slowly. "I think I've been too indulgent. These lips need to rest for a while".

Mew grinned. "Ok. Let's see". He quickly moved on top of him, resting his elbows on the mattress. Gulf's eyes darted on his lips but he closed them immediately not to give in too soon. "What? You can't even look at me?".

Gulf smiled, his eyes still closed. "Nonsense, I'm just sleepy".

Mew brushed his body against his and Gulf could already feel his reaction to him. "Are you sure about that?".

Gulf surrendered, opening his eyes. "Oh shut up, you didn't play fair at all. You know it, so you'd bett...". Mew stopped his blabbering with a kiss and when Gulf initially tried to resist him, the older ran his fingers along his arms, slowly reaching Gulf's hands. The warmth of his mouth and his gentle yet confident touch made Gulf all but melt against him. Mew cupped his face to keep him closer and the pace of their kissing drastically changed from urgent to something more tender and slower - still sexy though.

When Mew finally broke away, he looked at Gulf so intensely that the other momentarily forgot how to breathe. "Gulf, I...". 

The sound of the door opening made them jump, Mew falling out of the bed. Gulf would have laughed if he wasn't already busy trying to disappear. "Seems you couldn't wait to test this bedroom too".

Mew threw a pillow at Jom, who skillfully dodged it. "I'll be quick, so you two lovebirds can go back to eating each other or whatever". Gulf tried to blindly adjust his hair, he didn't need a mirror to know it was probably a mess. "Did you tell him about the wedding?".

Mew stood up, sitting on his bed again. "Yeah, you showed off your ring earlier, don't you remember?".

Jom rolled her eyes. "I meant...that he's invited too".

Gulf opened his eyes wide, a little taken aback by the sudden invitation. "What? I don't want to impose, I can go back home alone, it's not a problem".

Jom giggled. "Nonsense! I want you here, you're practically family now".

Mew shyly rubbed his neck. There was no way he could say no now. "Well, if it's important to you...".

Jom didn't even let him finish, clapping her hands in excitement. "So it's settled. Bro, fill him in with all the details, the bride must make sure everything is perfect". She winked at them before leaving them alone again. 

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