Oh my God. Why was he looking at me like that?

I was freaking out. I'm used to the boys giving me attention as I am one of the most popular girls, but something about him is off. About a minute later I heard someone come in so I got up and walked out of the stall.

I washed my hands and opened the door. I stared at the ground as I walked knowing my feet will take me back until I bumped into something.

"Watch where you're going." The voice said, I looked up and saw I had bumped into Harry.

"Hope, right?"

Shit, this isn't happening.

My words are caught in my throat. His lips turned up into a smirk as he saw my loss for words.

"Um yeah, sorry I'll pay attention next time." I smiled politely going to walk around him but he had stepped that way too. I chuckled and moved to the other side. He did the same thing and I looked at him awkwardly.

Good way to make things even more awkward Hope.

He grabbed my arm, his touch sending a shock through my body as he moved me to the other side.

"I'll see you back in class Hope." His voice is rough and raspy. His accent popped out the most.

"Yeah see you later." I mumble before walking back to class and waiting for the bell to ring.


The bell rang and I rushed out of class to get away from his lingering eyes. For the rest of class he wouldn't take his eyes off me and it was making me uncomfortable. Not only was he rude to me in the hallway his touch made me feel dirty.

I ran down to the cafeteria and to our table, Caroline and Niall were already there munching on their food and chatting away.

"Hey, guys!"

Caroline and Niall looked up and smiled at me.

"Hey, Hope!" Niall mumbled between bites of his sandwich.

"Are you ready for tonight?" Caroline asked.

"More than ready! But I have to talk to you guys like now."

Caroline and Niall looked at me with confused expressions.

My vocal cords decided they didn't want to work so we just stared at each other awkwardly until Niall finally broke the silence.

"Okay, what is it?" Niall seems annoyed.

My brain isn't working and I don't know how to tell them but I move the words out of my mouth before I can contemplate what I'm saying.

"There's a really hot new boy and he's in my history class."

"What!" Caroline yells nearly choking on her food. "And you didn't tell me the second you saw him!"

Niall just started laughing at Carolines reaction. He clearly didn't care while Caroline wanted me to spill all of the details.

"Yeah, he kept on looking at me during class and when I left to go to the bathroom I ran into him in the hallway."

"What's the mystery boy's name?" Niall asked seeming interested all of a sudden

"Harry Styles."

"Harry Styles? Seriously?" Niall rolled his eyes at me.

"Niall shut up I want to hear about Mr Harry Styles," Caroline pointed at him and he crossed his arms shutting up.

"Well there's not much to know. He's a bit rude and when we were in the hallway he grabbed my arm to move me to the other side of him and it sent a shock through me. Also he's not from America because he has a British accent"

"Hey Niall, that's something you and Harry can bond over. You both aren't from here and isn't the UK right next to Ireland or something." Caroline said to Niall and he flipped her off.

"Okay first of all, this Harry dude sounds like a creep, secondly, Ireland is next to the UK but they are two completely different places." Niall corrected Caroline who rolled her eyes and mumbled "Same thing."

"No it isn't Caroline." Niall and Caroline bickered back and forth over it until Caroline finally admitted defeat. Caroline put her hands out in front of her and folded them mad over her loss.

"I have an idea. How about we invite him to the party tonight." Niall said.

Caroline and I looked at each other in shock never expecting him to suggest that.

"Let's do it." Caroline piped up. "I want to see this Harry Styles."

"Well Hope, what do you say." Niall looked at me waiting for my response.

I sat there contemplating if it was a good decision. I didn't want to really see him again but I also did at the same time.

"Okay fine, I'll ask him."

The next period went by slowly and then the bell rang for 9th period. I decided I would find him after school and invite him. I had a study hall and sat in the corner of the room away from everyone else. Everyone was whispering rumors they heard about Grayson's death, I put in my earbuds because I didn't want to be reminded of what had happened.

There was 10 minutes left of the period when I heard the door shut and I looked up to see Harry walking in the classroom. He went up to the teacher's desk and I just saw her nod at him, he turned around and scanned the seats, his eyes landing on me. I diverted my eyes back to my phone hoping he would go sit in the other corner.

I saw Harry sit down in the seat next to me out of the corner of my eye but I kept ignoring him.

"Hey, Hope." His voice deep and rough.

Well there goes the plan of ignoring him.

"Hey, Harry." I smiled timidly at him. And turned my direction back to my phone

We sat there silently for a few seconds and I broke the silence feeling bad for ignoring him.

"Um, I just wanted to say sorry again for bumping into you in the hallway. I'm usually not that clumsy."

He smirked at me, the dimples in his cheeks popping out. I hadn't noticed them earlier.

"Yeah it's fine, just be careful next time."

"Yeah, duly noted." I smiled at him and stared into his eyes. They are an emerald green color and have hints of blue in them.

I wanted to know more about who he is. I was about to ask him a question when the bell rang signaling school was over. Harry went to leave but I still needed to invite him.

"Oh, Harry!"

He turned around and looked at me raising his eyebrow.

Shit Hope just say it

"Um, before you go there's a party tonight, it's at Caroline Fields house. I know you're new and probably don't want to go but I just thought I'd let you know."

I flashed a small smile at him. Hoping he doesn't embarrass me in front of everyone.

"Are you going to go?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm kind of required to go or else she'll kill me."

He chuckled at my response.

"Yeah, I'll be there." He smirked and my heart burst in excitement.

"Okay cool it's at 7:30 and here's her address. I'll see you later!"

He smiled at me as I handed him the piece of paper that I had scribbled her address on.

"Bye Hope, see you later."

He turned around and walked away. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Now all I have to do is wait until the party.

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