|please dont touch|

Start from the beginning

"It's Nico. You're not hurting her," Molly says standing her ground while looking Xavin in the eyes, "If that a-hole alien is in there, we'll find a way to get it out. They're not invincible"

"She's right, Stacey broke through" Luna shares

"That's true," Gert quickly comments only for all eyes turn to her "I-I saw that, too"

"She cannot be saved" Xavin announces looking over at Nico past Molly's shoulder, "No host can survive the power of a Gibborim taking control"

"You don't know the power of Nico" Alex says walking to stand closer to everyone

"Even if she can keep the being at bay, the fact that he's here means that the Magistrate will be at our doorstep. And they will not hesitate to kill any of us if necessary" Xavin informs everyone making Luna ready to speak up tired of hearing the kill or be killed mantra once again

"She's right," Nico says making all eyes turn to her as she walks past Molly, "Not to mention, we heard the father talking about some rendezvous spot they're gonna build. They needed four keys"

"The four keys are the Magistrate's family. Father, mother, daughter, and son." Xavin says looking directly at Nico when saying 'son', "They will come looking for him"

"Hi. Excuse me" Chase says from the side with his hand raised and everyone turns to look at him as he stands up to walk towards the circle, "Uh, who are you and why are we all listening to you?"

"I'm Xavin." The alien shapeshifter introduces themselves to Chase who had never been properly introduced to their new team member, "I've traveled the cosmos with the Magistrate's family, and then got trapped with them for several millennia. Now I'm here to claim my betrothed"

"Just when I thought we were making progress on the whole betrothed thing" Karolina responds looking over at Xavin with her arms crossed

"Things move fast around here" Chase mumbles with a sigh

"It's a prophecy that must be fulfilled" Xavin announces as they were the only one who believed in the whole prophecy

"That's not happening" Nico asserts

"Destiny is destiny" Xavin states looking down at Nico

"Well Pride killed her so who says we can't kill it" Luna comments only to open her mouth in shock as all eyes turn to her in shock, "Stars I really just said that"

"Can we just dial down the intensity a notch?" Gert asks having caught Nico and Xavin's intense eye contact

"Xavin makes one good point" Alex announces breaking the tension, "If this thing is inside any of us, and they really are coming for him, we gotta find out who it is"

"My x-ray goggles! I saw Jonah's light signature with them" Chase informs everyone taking a few steps so he can be a part of the circle, "Find the goggles, find the fourth alien"

"No, he's right" Alex affirms knowing what light signature Chase was talking about, "I saw the Mother and her charming Daughter glowing inside Victor's house. The goggles are in my bag. I'll get them"

"No offense." Chase declares making Alex stop walking towards his room and turn around, "Maybe I'll go get them"

"Oh, what, you don't trust me?" Alex asks making Chase stop and turn to look at Alex, "Need I remind you, that up until an hour ago, you were the Benedict Arnold of the group"

"You may need to remind him who Benedict Arnold is" Gert comments, Benedict Arnold was best known for his defection from the Continental Army to the British side of the conflict in 1780. 

✓𝐫𝐞𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 | C. STEINWhere stories live. Discover now