Chapter 17

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I sat in the office, that i began to see as a second home. The last 3 months had slipped by so quickly.
Alex was happy and honestly so was I. Life had hit a all time new high. And i was no longer feeling depressed or suicidal. Its amazing that  daniel and i could get any closer. Its like i have a little brother now. Even if he is older than me. And to think, this would never have happened if he didnt tell me about his eating disorder.
Alex finally disharged me from his medical care. So now life could begin again!
Shooting up from my spot on the desk i stared up at the smug smile of daniel as he waved my graded assigment infront of my face. The large red A+ , taking up the corner of the page.
"I guess you owe someone a thank you.. hmmm." He smirked as he placed the sheet on my desk.
"Oh my god. How?!"
Looking offended he slapped my hand as i went to grab the sheet.
"Oh hell no girl. Your thanking my sexy ass before u put that evidence away" he sassed as he stuck his hand on his hip.
Laughing i looked up at him
"You know people will know your gay if you keep that up"
Messing his hair up, i stuffed the things from my desk into my bag before dragging him out of the classroom.
"Right now. A girl is hungry! We must find food" i shouted as i skipped down the empty hallways.
Finding a empty table in the packed cafateria, i pushed daniel into one of the seats as i plopped next to him, pulling out a tuna sweetcorn sandwich and cheese dorito crisps.

"Hey al, im not really that hungry. Im just gonna go to the bathroom" I mummbled as she offered up one of her sandwiches. The other half already hanging from her lips.
Nodding with a smile she quickly finished the rest of her lunch as i stood up, making my way towards the large blue stick man that stood pinned to one of the doors.
Pushing the door open I made sure that no one else was here before completing my buisness.

After 20 minutes I washed up my arms and hands, making sure i looked presentable before steping out of the room and back into the public eye.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2018 ⏰

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