Chapter 13

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Derek ^^^^^^^


..... GO ON DO IT ?!"


I watched as her eyes fogged but still held a cold stare her arm tense and almost comfortable with the weight of the gun in her hand. This got me thinking just hiw long she was planning this as she had not held a gun before meeting us.

Her arm slacked as her facade broke. I grabbed ahold of the gun and grabbed her by the waist restraining her against my chest her arms held together behind her back agenst my chest whilst I emptied oad the gun if its ammo and pushed her towards the door put kept her at arms length.

"Stop fucking pushing me" she seethed as she tripped over her footing.

"No, fucking move I had enough of this and that was the last straw, get your arse to the princables Deans already here  and hes pissed."

Pushing her into the reception I grabbed her arm and pulled her into the princables office and shoved her into one of the chairs as Dean took the one next to her, a bruise showing on his face from where he was most likely hit. My guess would be Street fight from the scratches that covered his knuckles as he watched over Alisha, her face almost looking innocant and fearful at the same time.

" What seems to be tye trouble here?" Dean spoke as he looked over at the  bruising that was starting to form on her arm from my earlier grip.

The principal  vioce seemed cold and just as pissed as we were.

"Unfortunately the past week has not been the best and has led to Miss Wittson here being excluded from school for 8 months, this will also mean that she must re-do grade 12 if she is to return after the 8 months." Nodding Dean looked over at Alisha and held out his hand to her which she pushed away and gripped at the edges of her sleeves.

"Alisha whats caused this??" Dean whispered as he tried to hold her hand but failed yet again.

Ignoring him she turned to the window and watched as she soor the little year sevens run round in their break.

"Alisha awnser Dean"

Shaking her head she tried getting up but my hold on her shoulders kept her inplace.

"Tell him what you did Runner or I will"

Shaking her head again I looked down  at Dean who had the most worrysome look on his face as he looked down at his little 'angel' .

"Earlier today she got in a fight with Annalice, She came out without a scratch but that cant be said the same for Annalice. Annalice had to be sent to hospital for a broken jaw, nose amd cracked skull. Alisha left her to bleed out during lunch and then came to my class late again , back chatted me and whilded a AK45 Hand gun in school an threatened my life durning my class."

Looking down at her I thought I soor sorrow or guilt flash threw her eyes but nothing was there except this stine cold stare.

Nodding to the principal  I watched as he looked over at Alisha in shock I mean a week ago she was a A* student and now, now she was a whole other person. I grabbed ahold of her arm and led her out into the corridoor , waiting to see if she would give any response  evsn if it was sarcasm or words of hatred. I hated the new her and I knew I should but a part of me was extremely worried as I looked down on the shell of my sister in law and best friend.

Returning home I helped Dean carry the sleeping Alisha into the house and up to her room.

As I walked down the stairs I looked over at Dean and nodded towards the living room.

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