Chapter 12

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Alisha: 1 week later.
Beep beeep beee-

Slamming my hand down onto the alarm I untangled my legs from deans amd quietly and quickly ran across the hall to my room. A sence of achievement  over came me as I realised I had not been caught amd I did a quick happy dance in my pjs whilst I quietly listened to music and washed my body with a face cloth. After changeing and doing the essentials I ran down the stairs jumping 2 at a time until I came face to chest with Derek.



Putting on a smirk I pushed passed him and ran into the kitchen diving for the last bowl of cereal. Munching down on it I spyed the clock on the wall as I watched the time tick by. By the time I was done it was ten minutes till school and turned out Derek had left when i came  down earlier.

Cheaking the time again it read 9:20 makimg me 20 minutes late when I parked up at the student parking lot. Walking into the school I swung my bag over my shoulder and wondered down the hallways letting my fingers  glide across the metal. The sound of the 'late' late  bell rang across the campies as I wondered into my hallway, corridoor D. By now it was at least 1/2 past meaning I was extremely late but something in me just stopped me from careing.

Kicking the door open I listened as it hit agenst the corasponding wall causing everyone to stop what they were doing and stare over at me as I entered. Looking up at the 'teacher' I darred him to say anything.

"Your late?!"

Smirking I walked in slowly as I clapped my hands.

"Well done you finally learnt to tell the time, now you can stop fucking the helpee in the class storage room every lunchtime"

Watching his face drop , my smirk broadend as I walked to the back of the class and dropped into the back corner wall seat. My mind adaze as I listened to the music playing threw my headfone I had stuck under my shirt and up to my left ear.

The class had dragged I mean I actually fell asleep in it and still woke up with 5 minutes to spare. Finally the bell rung and I grabbed my shit tossing it over my shoulder and walked straight out the door and  into the courtyard where loads of kids hung out during breaks. Walking past the group of nerds I walked up onto the sports field amd down to one of the large trees that surrounded the perimasis. Hoasting my bag onto the branches above me I climbed up and sat on one of the larger branches with my back agenst the trunk of the tree allowing me to see out onto the surrounding streets over the campies fence. I dugg into my pocket feeling the smooth metal and sharp edged of the packet of cigs I had nicked of Dean earlier today. Brining one out I sparjed it up and took a small drag feeling as the smoke went down to my lungs and slowly raised back out leaving small smoke clouds in the air.

"HEY! Get down from there young lady "

Looking down I noticed that the break must have finished because the only other person still out here other than myself was my first lesson tutor amd a few of the sports boys.


Watching his face redden was so fun I just had to smirk.

"Stop with that attitude  of yours and climb down this instant!"

"How about No"

Arguing with this guy was stress full and extremely tiering. Taking another dragg of the fag I had previously hid out of sight I chucked it on the fence and jumped of the branch landing just slightly to the left of the now stone shocked tutor.


Walking off I left the guy standing there as I made my way over to my last class of the day.

Dont judge people by their looks!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin