Chapter 14

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Daniel ^^^^


2 monthes thats how long its been since my expuslshion and I still had 6 months to go. It has also been 2 months since I started my session  and it was beging to really  brighten up I was never as angry and I was learning to show my emotions again.  Dean dosnt come with me anymore he stoped alittle over 2 weeks ago, which im proud of. Ive gotten to know some of the out patients here and there all amazing we all really click even if we only talk when sat in the waiting room. Walking in I soor Isabell and Cameron sat on the bench whilst Daniel ..... wait what?!


Turning round his eyes widened before he smiled quickly.

"Um hey?"

"What are you doing here?"

"Um my brother, what about you?"

"Oh im here for anger managment"

"Oh how come you havent been in school  for so long?"

"Expelled for 8 months"

"What, why?!"

"Um i kinda  threatened Derek in the middle of class"


"Well wheres your brother?"

"Oh hes in his session"

"Fair enough, do you mimd me asking what for?"

"Oh no he dosnt care anyway hes got some eatting disorder"

"Oh okay, poor kid how olds he?"


"Shit that young and already in a place like this"

"Yeah" Dan dragged as he watched the other patients carefully.

"There not gonna bite you know"


"The other patients, your looking at them like there killer beasts"

"Oh sorry no I just get the hebe gebies sometimes when im in here"

Nodding I led him over to Cameron who was currently in for drug rehab which I found amazing. He was 19 almost 20 and was extremely shy he kinda remind me of Daniel himself.

"Hey Cam"

"Ali girl, whos the hot stuff"

Oh and hes Gay.

"Well Cameron meet Daniel, his brothers currently in for a eating disorder."

"Hey Daniel" Cameron smiled showing of his slightly yellow stained teeth.

"Um Hi" Dan mumbled shyly.

See what I mean there almost the exact same personality wise.

Pushing Dan into the seat next to Cam I left the two to bond whilst I spoke with Isabell. She was the youngest of our group at only 15 but she was a mystery,  no one knew why she was in and it didnt help that she was mute aswell.

"Hey Izzy"

Waving she pointed over to the boys as she quickly scribbled something in her journal.

'Whos the knew boy hes cute?'

"Aaawwwwwhhhhh Izzys got a crush, but thats Daniel and sorry chika but he dont lean our way"


"Well am I gonna hear your beautiful voice soon?"


"Awwwhhh:( "

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