Chapter 9

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Before Shooting....

"Daniel, babe im so sorry I cant meet you.."


"Oh babe ill make you feel better just you wait" I whispered almost laughing at how corney it sounded amd the fact thst he was laughing just as much.


"Im sorry babe, I promise ill be home before you know it. I love you... bye"


I quickly walked down the back lanes that led to Reapers place, I knew he would help me out and right now I seriously need it.

'Stupid, stupid stones. Why the fuck are you created?. I mean you just get in peoples way'

I lay on the floor, knees cut and arms scrapped. Quickly I sat up and lipped over to Reaper.

"Yo man?"


"Got any?"

"Yeah man, what you fancing?"

"A ounce of powder"

"Wow man, wheres the party last week it was only acouple lines. Now its ounce?"

"I aint got time to talk Reaper, you got any or not?"

"Yeah chill man that be £120"

"Here" I muttered pushing the couple of crinkled notes I had left into his outstreached hand and limped back into the lane. Passing a couple kids from school I watched as they pointed and laughed at me whilst I tried to hurry my pace.

Words echoed through my head as tears spilt down my cheecks.
Faggot   Fag   Loser   Gay   Twat  Dick-Licker    Useless   Waste of Space

My grip tightened onto the plastic aggy that I held in my closed fist as I jogged down the back roads into the forest that led to a warehouse I 'lived' in. Memories of the first time I found this place washed over my vision as I imagianed my body laying cold on the floor. Retreaving the gun that I had taken from my dad all those years ago I placed it in my hand flippimg it back and forth in my grip.
"Should I?"
'Kill yourself, youll never be missed anyway'
"But what about Daniel?"
'He doesnt love you, he only feels pitty for you. KILL YOURSELF'
"SHUT U..."

I Couldnt take it, the name calling, the thoughts the visions I just couldnt take it. They were right though NO one would miss me, My parents wont even realise that im missing and Daniels strong he'll get over it.

To say I was having an outta body experiance I guess were the right words. I could see my body cold and pale laying infront of me as Daniel tried to clutch to my body, tears streamimg down his face.

"Oh Danny, please forgive and forget me." I whispered as I felt the pull of pain spread through my body until all I soor was darkness and agony as it slithered up my spine.

Sorry its like stupidly short guys but there will be another update very soon.

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