Chapter One

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I sat in Dean's car looking out the window in awh as I watched the cars and tree's stream past the glass. The sudden sound of the radio causes me to look over at Dean, in his blue jeans and tight black top. His one hand lay resting on my knee as he drove out of the small town and onto the branching roads. His gaze has intense but calm as he consentrated ahead of him, a small smirk on his red lips as he noticed me looking at him.

I placed my hand and agenst his, and let a smile slip from my face as I noticed the car swearving into the opposite lane. Grabbing onto the strearing wheel I yanked it to the left pulling us into our lane, I turned into the nearest hotel before realising Dean was stearing at me with his eyes wide.

Getting out of the car I walked over to Dean's side of the car and waited by the door, " Are you okay Dean you look abit spooked" I mumbled looking up into his glassy eyes, " Yeah are you, I mean you reacted faster than me." I said looking down at the floor in embarasment. " It's allright Dean I guess im just use to having to work on instinct." Looking up he gave a quick nod and reached for my hand before walking towards the entrance to get a room for the night.

Dean POV :

Alisha held onto my hand as I walked towards the front desk. A young woman stood smiling up at me as she traced her fingers over my arm seductivly.

"Hello room for two." with a look of discust tge woman looled past my shoulder to see Alisha stood quietly behind me.

"Yes that will be £5.50 For the night.

(I dont know how much they cost so Im makig the prices up)

"Okay 1 night please" I said placing the money infront of her before walking towards the room with the key in hand. Opening up the door I pulled Alisha into the hotel room and towards the bedroom. Pushing the door shut with my foot I pushed Alisha onto the bed and traced my fingers over her body, leaning in our lips conected. It took a minute before she responded but when she did, you could say it felt like fireworks.

As my hands began to stroke her thighs Alisha pulled back looking up into my eyes,

"I dont want to do it, im not ready"

Pulling away from her I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her back towards me, before replying;

"Its okay, i'm not going to force you to do anything you dont want to. Lets just go to sleep o'right."

With a quick nod I watched as her eues dropped shut and the sound of quite snorse was heared before letting the exhaustion take me over aswell.


The morning went by great and we where currently sitting in the car on our way to the town over where I had payed for a house and school for her to attend to.

I was only 18 but refused to go back into education, and my work had given me a job out there that was simple enough for me to handle until the rest came over and joined us.

Looking towards the road I soor the sign for our street coming up. Stopping at a stop sign I pulled into the left and down the street parking outside 'our' house,

"Dean its amazing how did you affored something this great" she asked in disbelief.

"Work payed for it thats all" I said lookigat her with a stern face.

"O..Okay" she awnsered shyly.


2 Weeks  later

Sarah POV:

2 weeks have past and life is great, I havent heared from 'mum' and Alex finally gave up trying to find me a couple days ago. Dean has been the best always asking me if im okay and getting anything I want wether its the newst fashion or just a Chicken burger from Mc'Ds.

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