Chapter 40

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*Julie's pov*

After half an hour of unsucessfully trying to fall asleep, I finally decided there was no use anymore and I should just get up. I didn't want to wake Ashton up too, so I slipped out of bed as quietly as possible. The room was still dark, no trace of sunlight yet to be found. The only light illuminating the bedside cupboard was a black clock, with glowing purple numbers forming 5am over it. This was considerably earlier than when I would usually wake up, but the same excitement that kept me up until 1 am last night was keeping me from falling back to sleep now. With barely a couple of hours of well rest, I staggered into the living room, where I was finally free to turn the lights on. I had to squint my eyes at the sudden change until I got used to it. Having fully awoken, I tried to find an occupation for myself. However, I couldn't keep my concentration on anything for longer than a minute, so I simply ended up snuggled in a blanket on the couch, staring at my ring.

I'm not sure exactly how long I sat there, but when I lifted my head, Ashton was leaned onto the door with his eyes firmly on me. I smiled invitingally and the seat next to me was soon taken. With the both of us now staring at my ring, I couldn't help but wonder if we were fidling with the same thoughts. Night, when you're too tired to control your mind, is when the voices inside your head are free to speak, to shout, instead of whisper. When all the fears surface. I thought I'd be doubting my decision ro marry him, I was afraid I'd be having second thoughts by now. But, oddly enough, I was more sure than I've ever been of anything in my life. I searched his hazel brown eyes, trying to find if possibly he was unsure, but I don't think he was, by the way he was looking at me.


"Yeah?" his touch was gentle as he brushed a stray lock of my hair behind my ear.

"I want us both to be absolutely positive about this before we dive into it. I mean, we could end up making the wrong decision too early and I really don't want to be the couple that got in over their head's and started fighting and-"

"Julie? Julie, calm down. I don't know about you, but I'm 100% ready for this. I wouldn't have proposed if I wasn't, if I didn't think you were the only one for me." by now, I was in his arms, taking in the depth of his words. The decision was pretty serious and what he said not to be taken lightly. But we have a strong trust in our relationship, so I believe he meant it.

"What about you? Do you have any doubts?"

At that point, all traces of any existing fear were surpressed by love, so I smiled when I said "Not a single one."

That morning, we allowed ourselves to act a little spoiled, with breakfast in bed and staying in our pajamas until noon. I enjoyed all of it. We took turns picking out movies and just talking about what we want for our wedding.

Ashton had to leave after that, though, for some important band business that I'm not much of an expert with. Their new managers wanted to talk about upcoming shows and the tour. I had nothing left to do but daydream about my gown. That is, until I heard Ebony's bark from outside and, shortly after, a knock on the door. Confused, I opened it to find Jenna. I saw right through the smile she offered when she came in. Her expression was too emotionless for everything to be okay. I knew that under that indifferent exterior was something that got to her.

"Everything okay?" I asked after preparing her a warm cup of tea.

"Yep." she uttered quickly before focusing her gaze on the tea.

"Jenna, you can cut the act with me. I'm too tired from the lack of sleep to have to get it out of you right now." I said, maybe a little too harshly. But it did the trick, because she sighed and started to explain.

"Well...Last night, after Ashton proposed, Michael and I went home. He was really silent up until this morning, when he all of a sudden got too perky. He never mentioned it directly, but he hinted quite a few times..."

After a long pause, I realised she wasn't going to continue, so I asked "Hinted what?"

Jenna gulped, her gaze still on her, now almost empty, cup "Marriage. I think he wants us to get married too, but I'm not ready for that type of commitement yet. It's not an option at the moment."

"Well did you tell him that?"

She shook her head "No, I just left to take a walk. I needed air, I needed to think. I was passing your house, so I decided to stop by, but you're not much of a help." she said, partially playfully.

"I get that, but ignoring your problems doesn't make them go away. You need to talk to him. Besides, he's probably worried since you left without warning."

Almost on que, the doorbell went off and, this time, Michael was at the door. His face lit up when he saw Jenna and he rushed to hug her tightly, afraid her presence would turn out to be just his imagination. I didn't let them leave until they worked it out, which wasn't conciderably easy, since Jenna's not much of a problem solver. But Michael, caring about her as much as he did, let her have her way and went along with it. I guess she was too precious to him to lose so easily. I enjoyed watching the two of them. They were so similar in certain ways, yet so different in others. But, no matter what, they stayed together, they needed each other. Just like Ashton and I need each other.


hey guys!!!

woo, three updates in one week, i'm on a roll! lol! this chapter is pretty long, as promised. hopefully i did a good job, since it was kind of rushed. please please tell me what you think of this, because i don't get much feedback, and if you would share this with your friends, that'd be cool! :)

love you xx

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