𝐱𝐯𝐢𝐢𝐢. sam and henry

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𝕺𝖜𝖓 𝖂𝖔𝖗𝖘𝖙 𝕰𝖓𝖊𝖒𝖞

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𝕺𝖜𝖓 𝖂𝖔𝖗𝖘𝖙 𝕰𝖓𝖊𝖒𝖞


A LOT COULD go to shit in the span of an hour, like getting chased around the city by trigger happy hunters in their armoured car.

The trio had been minded their own business, trying to avoid the hunters as much as they could when the truck rolled up and started shooting at them. And now they were shimmying along a ledge around the outside of an apartment complex directly above it.

"Oh shit." Ellie mumbled as they watched the truck drive right below them.

"We're okay. They can't see us." Joel assured them, climbing through the open window at the end of the ledge. He was about to call the all clear when he was pulled into a chokehold.

Kathy jumped through quickly after hearing his struggle, only to fall to the ground when she was elbowed in the jaw. Ellie came to Kathy's aid and sliced the man's arm with her knife.

"What the fuck?" The man holding Joel gasped when he saw the young girl, letting his guard down for a moment, which was enough for Joel to get the upper hand and reverse the roles.

Joel flipped the man over his shoulder and began hitting him in the ribs, admittedly harder than usual when he saw Kathy on the ground holding her jaw.

"Joel." Kathy groaned out in an attempt to stop him from where she was. She'd noticed the boy by the doorway. The man wasn't a hunter, they didn't keep kids around.

Joel continued to pummel the man until Ellie grabbed his arms and pulled him away, "Joel, stop! Look." She pointed at the boy, around Ellie's age, who was aiming a gun at them.

"Leave him alone." The boy commanded, his hands shaking noticeably.

Joel backed away from the man and held out his hands, "Easy, son. Just take it easy."

"It's alright." The stranger told the boy from the floor, "They're not the bad guys. Lower the gun." The boy lowered his gun and the man groaned as he sat up, "Man, you hit hard."

"Yeah, well, I was trying to kill you." Joel replied simply as he helped Kathy stand up. She thanked him quietly, rubbing her jaw. She'd have a hell of a bruise later on.

The man stood up as well, wiping away some blood from his lips, "Yeah, I thought you were one of them too. Until I saw them." He pointed at Kathy and Ellie. "If you haven't noticed, they don't keep many women or kids around. Survival of the fittest."

"You're bleeding!" The boy exclaimed, noticing the wound that Ellie had inflicted with her knife.

The man brushed it off, "Ah, it's nothing." he took the gun from the boy and introduced them, "I'm Henry, this is Sam. I think I caught your name was Joel?"

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