Chapter 23

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Cover by DESUWA07

I tossed and turned as I was unable to continue my sleep, after the alarm mom forced me to set last night rang loudly. I opened my eyes and tried to adjust to the bright light that was streaming through the curtains of my room window.

I rubbed my eyes with my hands and sat up.
The sight that met made me scream with so loud, mom rushed into my room. "Oh my God!" Mom said as she looked at how my room was in a mess. Luxy was at a corner sniffing through my shoes.

"Mom get this thing out of my room!" I screamed. Grandma came into the room, to check what was happening. "Luxy! Bad girl!" she said slowly walking over to Luxy. "I'm so sorry Val sweetheart, when Luxy told me she wanted to come say good morning, I didn't know she'd scatter your room," Grandma said stroking Luxy, who gave a grunt. I just stared at grandma with my mouth open.

Did she just say she communicated with a pig and let it come to my room, to say good morning to me? What more could possibly go wrong?

"Mom please take Luxy out," Mom said giving grandma a tight smile. "Sorry Val. She usually doesn't behave like this. I wonder what's wrong," grandma said, walking out of the room slowly.

"Val, I'll help you clean this up before you get back from school. Just go freshen up and head to school. Dre would be here soon," Mom said giving me an apologetic smile. "It's okay mom. I can handle Luxy. I just have to play with her and we'll be friends in no time!" I said through gritted teeth. Mom smiled back. "Thank you for offering to clean up my room," I said, walking into the bathroom. "It's okay, honey," Mom said as she shut the door.

How the hell did I not hear the movements Luxy was making around my room? Dre had always told me that I slept like a log of wood. But I didn't believe her, partly because I was always the one waking her up every morning anytime we had a sleepover.

I don't even know why grandma had pigs. Of all the animals, she preferred pigs. Pigs are disgusting animals.


I sat on the little dinning table in the kitchen, ready to eat the delicious food grandma had prepared for me. She even packed some food, so I could take to school. Even though I have to deal with Lucy, I'll just enjoy the little I can get from grandma before she leaves.

"Dre is here!" Mom said from the living room, just as I finished eating. "Ok mom! I'm coming," I replied as I grabbed a bottle water from the fridge and headed to the door. "Thanks for the food grandma. I really enjoyed it," I said smiling.

"It's ok Val sweetheart," Grandma said smiling back. "Bye guys!" I said opening the door. "Hey! Is Grandma in?" Dre asked smiling. "Yes she is," I replied. "I want to say hi, wait here for me," Dre said. "Aren't we late for school?" I asked her. "We have little time to spare," she said, shrugging whilst handing me her school bag. "Ok, fine let's go," I said as we walked back into the house.

I stood at the door and left Dre to go to the living room to greet grandma. I also had a clear view of everything that was going on in the living room from where I stood.

Dre walked to Grandma and gave her a hug. Grandma returned the hug and pecked her. I could also hear all they were saying. "Deandre! How are you?" grandma asked. "I am fine Ms. Ellen. How are your pigs?" Dre asked smiling. "They are all doing well. How are your parents?" Grandma asked Dre. "They are fine. It's nice to see you again after a long while," Deandre said. Grandma chuckled.

"Oh! Ms Smith, I didn't see you there. Good morning!" Dre said looking at mom and smiling. "Good morning Dre. I hope you are doing fine?" Mom asked smiling. "Yes I am doing quite well," Dre replied smiling.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Luxy walking over to were Dre was standing, sniffing the ground. Dre was surely going to freak out. Probably even faint out of fear. I was trying to hold back the laugh that was definitely going to come out anytime soon.

"I think you should head to school now. Otherwise you would be late," Mom said to Dre. I saw Luxy stop at Dre's leg and sniff the calf of her right leg. Although Dre's back was facing me, I could see that she tensed up as soon as she felt something on her leg. Luxy's nose was moving up Dre's leg. Dre looked like if she turned, she'd meet her death. I saw her hands were shaking.

"Luxy stop that and come over here," grandma said with a smile on her face. "Umm...who is Luxy?" Dre asked in a shaky voice. I was laughing already, but not loud enough for them to hear.

"Oh! Deandre, Luxy is my favourite pig. I brought her with me because she refused to stay with the other pigs at the farm," grandma said, motioning for Luxy to come over. It was as if time stopped. Dre looked like a bucket of ice water was just poured on her head. She slowly looked down at her leg and saw Luxy, who was now swiping her tongue on Dre's leg, oblivious of the fright she was giving Dre.

Oh no!

Everything that happened next, happened in a flash. Dre jumped and in the process stepped on Luxy's head, as she ran towards the door like lightening, screaming with tears streaming down her face because Luxy was running after her, obviously offended by the fact that Dre stepped on her head. At this point I burst out laughing.

She ran out of the door like her life depended on it. Luxy obviously not giving up, ran after her too. Mom followed running after Luxy, trying to hold her. I followed next running out to meet Dre who was screaming and running like she was going to die if she stopped. Grandma just stood at the door calling Luxy.


"I'm not stepping my foot into your house until Luxy leaves that house," Dre said still shaking as a result of everything that happened earlier. "They'll both leave by the end of the week," I said to her still laughing.

Mom managed to get a hold of Luxy. Even after mom shouted to Dre that she was holding Luxy, Dre was still running away. I had to run after her, after telling mom and grandma bye again. I ran after Dre telling her to stop. It took a long time before she finally stopped to catch her breath.

"I'll just call you tomorrow when I come in the morning," Dre said in a scratchy voice, which was as a result of all the screaming. "Ok. Luxy even scattered my room today. When I woke up this morning, my clothes were littered around the room, and she was sniffing my shoes" I said, betraying a little shiver. "Oh my God!" Dre said with a frown on her face.

I kept on laughing as we approached the school's gate. "Do you mind sharing what is so funny, so I can also laugh with you?" Dre said with a scowl, irritated. "You should have seen how you tensed up when you realised Luxy was a pig," I said, starting another round of laughter.

"You should have seen your face," Dre mocked, walking into the school building with a frown on her face. "I'm sorry!" I laughed going after her.

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Love Jessie♥️

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