Chapter 3

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Cover by Qhupid_247

"Val, do I have to call you down every single day?" Mom shouted. I quickly put on ripped jeans, a tank top, applied lip gloss, brushed my hair, put on my sneakers, grabbed my bag and my hoodie, checked my reflection in the huge mirror on my dressing table and headed towards the door. Well I never said I was a fashionista. I loved simple dressing.

"I have told you countless times Valerie, always bring out whatever you want to wear to school the previous day," mum said. Mum and her lectures. "Yes mummy. I am sorry. I will do as you have said, today after school. Happy now?"  I said, as I walked over to hug her.

"Yes yes, I am happy now," she hugged me back and smiled, releasing me from the hug. "Go have your breakfast now, Dre will be here soon," she said while typing something on her phone. Oh yes breakfast. I quickly went over to the kitchen table and grabbed my breakfast which was sandwich of course.

While I was having the last bite of my sandwich, the door bell rang. That should be Dre. I quickly stood up and dropped my plate in the kitchen sink. "Bye mum, see you later!" I said as I trotted to the door.

"Bye Honey! See you later," mom said still on her phone. Mom and her phone were inseparable. Ever since dad died, her phone has being her comfort. I Wonder what she was always doing on her phone. I guess it's business.

I opened the door and Dre was standing there.
"Hey Dre, what's up?" I said looking at Dre. "We should be heading to school now. That's what's up," she said trying hard to put on a serious face. I laughed at her attempt to be serious. Dre was such a cutie and she couldn't scold anyone and remain angry for a long time. All her boyfriends that dumped her, she had already forgiven them.

"Yeah, we should head out," I smiled,while linking my hand with hers. She smiled back, and we headed for school. While we were walking to school Dre started a conversation. "So you've got your eyes on Liam huh?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows. "What!! Who is Liam? What are you even talking about Dre?" I asked, confusion written clearly on my face.

"Oh Val, don't play dumb with me, you know who I am talking about,"she said. "Seriously Dre, if you wanna tell me something I am all ears, what are you talking about?" I asked her still confused.

"Well I saw the way you were looking at Liam yesterday in class. Remember, during the introduction?"

Oh, she saw me looking at Hot Boy, was I that obvious? But to me it didn't mean anything. I sighed mentally.

"Oh that. Dre, that didn't mean anything. I just looked at him while I was looking at the rest of the class," I told her plainly.

Dre being who she is didn't believe me. "What a lie Val, you were practically undressing him with your eyes," she said, squinting her eyes while looking at me. Like that was gonna get her the truth, that is if there was any truth. Was there a truth? No way.

"Dre you know my principles already, that is impossible. I can't believe we are talking about this," I said feigning a sad face.

"Val, open your heart to love," she said exasperated. Here goes nothing. "There is nothing like true love Deandre. The only thing boys want from girls is to use them and dump them like garbage" I said. "Oh! Oh! My sweet Val, you have gotten it all wrong," Deandre said.

"I don't think so Dre, all your previous boyfriends had done exactly the same thing I just said," I said. I know that hurt her a little bit, but she had to realise that boys literally had nothing to offer. "Not all boys are like that. One day you will find your prince charming," Deandre said still not giving up.

"I don't think so, and I am never looking forward to that day" I said. Come to think of it, how did Deandre know his name? If I ask her now she would start thinking something else. I'll risk it. Just out of curiosity and nothing more. "By the way Dre how did you know Hot Boy's name?"I asked, not missing the look of confusion that appeared on her face.
"Who the hell is Hot boy?" She asked, still confused. "Liam or whatever you called him, I really don't care anyway, I'm just a little bit curious," I said putting on my 'I really don't wanna know' face.

I saw a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. She probably thinks I like him. Never. "Well Hot Boy is quite popular in school, and he is a guitarist and also a good singer, plus he is having a show on Friday night at..."

She kept on ranting and talking about his show's venue and how girls flocked around him. Well I am not interested at all, with his popularity or anything. I really don't care at all, he is not my type. Well no guy was my type.

Dre was still talking and I had to cut her off.
"Woah Dre calm down, I just asked how you knew his name. You have not even answered me yet," I said, looking at her with amusement.

"Oh yeah sorry, I heard his name from one of his friends, while I was passing by, a really cute friend of his called him and that was when I heard about the show and all," she said slightly embarrassed by her rant.
"Oh okay, was just curious," I said plainly. With that Dre and I entered the school gate ready for another day of boring lectures.

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Love Jessie♥️

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