9; accents

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"OH MY GOD! YOU HAVE AN ACCENT?!?!" I scream shaking his shoulders, the guy in front of me looks confused. "Uh yes?" He says, in a questioning tone.

"Where are y'all from?" I ask, sitting on the couch. "Some of us are British, some are Italian, Sebastian is from Spain." One of them answers, this is going to get confusing.

"You'll never believe this, Bella has a thing for accents. I probably shouldn't tell you that. But she is Bilingual in French. Her accent is sexy not gonna lie. And if I didn't have my mates I'd smash y'all because of just your voices good lord. I mean right Al?" I ask Alex who is sitting next to me.

"I can't answer that," Alex said blushing. "Anyway's what questions do you have? Remember some questions I can't answer." I say looking at them.

"How long have you known Bella?" Blondie says. Honestly, I have to think for a moment. "First, awww you called her Bella. It sounds so cute coming from a guy." Alex scowls at me. I plaster an innocent smile on my face.

"Anyways I've known her since Kindergarten but became close in third grade. So we were 9 ish. Harlow has known her the longest." I answer truthfully. Blondie nods, then one of the brunettes asks "What's your hometown?"

"I'm not going to say which city but North California," I say, not knowing if Bella wants me to tell that. The questions continue for quite a while before Alex looks at me and points to the clock.

"I'm so sorry gentlemen but I have to get going. It was very nice to meet you all." I say and head to the door. "Wait!" I hear British guy said, "Did we pass?". I chuckle at them surprised they don't know the answer.

"I don't know, we shall see," I say and walk out the door.

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