4; introducing

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"Now introducing your hosts for the evening, The Angels!" We hear the announcer say, with applause following. The doors in front of us open, and we are greeted by a swarm of clapping guests. We were all given mics before we exited the room. As always we stand in age order, which unfortunately puts me in the center. We speak in order, with Odette starting.

"Welcome everyone to our Sin Chic party, we are-" Odette starts with all of us saying, "The Angels!"

"And we will be your hosts for the evening," Maia says. Ophelia starts next, "We thought we should introduce ourselves and tell you a little about us before we begin our evening. Diva, you start first."

"Well thanks, my name is Diva. Of course, that's not my real name, but we all have code names we go by. So you all don't know too much about us. Also as a little tidbit of information, we are all standing in age order." Odette says and winks at the audience.

Maia is Puff, for her ever light and airy personality. Ophelia is Goldie, a direct reference to her blond hair. I am Love, for me, it is one of the names my soulmates always called me at the beginning. Avalon is Flame, again a reference to her bright red curly hair. Annalise is Kitten because she is our shyest friend. And Harlow is Doll because she is our baby of the group. Once we got introductions out of the way it was my turn to talk.

"Well, you all are probably wondering why we decided to host this party. We have a very good reason, I promise." I say giving a little laugh.

"We wanted to host a party that represents letting go. Sin, because tonight we want you to be your most sinful selves, whatever that may mean to you. And Chic because we wanted it a very classy elegant party." Avalon says, ever the confident one.

"But for us, this party was an excuse to bring everyone we cared about close and in the same place. To help us with a very special event in our lives." Annalise says, growing a little bit of confidence and looking out into the crowd.

"Today is going to be a very special day for us, one we have waited a very long time for," Harlow says, a bright smile on her face.

"Almost 7 years ago today we all made a vow with each other, one that has lead us to where we are today," Odette says, nervousness in her voice.

"We made a vow with each other that when we all turned 18, we would cut off all contact with our soulmates. Till we were successful enough to support ourselves and to accomplish our dream." Maia says.

"And as you can imagine, when that day came for each of us it was very hard. But we pulled through together." Ophelia says, smiling at me. Of course, I get to say the news.

"There should be multiple groups of men here tonight, who at some point 5 years ago, got told by a young 18-year-old girl that she couldn't talk to them until 5 years from now. Well, that's us, surprise." I say chuckling a little but.

"We imagine that you may have forgotten about us, well we most definitely did not. And we have quite the evening planned for you all." Avalon says smirking, I nudge her and smile.

"For our guests who just learned this news, they do not know which one of us is their soulmate. And we have brought our lovely friends and family to help us tonight." Annalise says, her inner playfulness coming through.

"Tonight while the rest of you are enjoying the party, our esteemed guests will be going on a quest to find us. Being lead by our friends and family, to go to different areas of the hotel."

Harlow says, giggling.

"If you think you may be one of our soulmates. Go to the gold-covered door on your left, with all of your soulmates, to be lead to the first obstacle. If you are not one of our soulmates, we will know, trust us." Odette says flashing her breathtaking smile.

"To the rest of our guests have fun and enjoy! To our soulmates, good luck we hope to see you soon." Maia says smiling.

"Let the games begin!" We all say and exit the way we came.

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