34 - Cage Match

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"I've compiled a Mandarin database for you, sir," Y/n and Tony sat on chairs in the garage, holograms of every video and article that was about the Mandarin in front of them. "Drawn from SHIELD, FBI and CIA intercepts." Tony took the cube of information that had gathered and pushed it out to the center of the garage. "Initiating virtual crime scene reconstruction."

A hologram of the Chinese Theatre in Las Vegas, Nevada appeared just as Y/n got a call from her phone. Checking the caller ID, she sighed. The agent looked to Tony, "It's work. I have to take this." She walked up the stairs and into the living room of the house, not waiting for a response from her boyfriend.

She brought the phone to her ear, "Agent L/n."

"Now what the hell do you think you're doing?" The sharp voice of Nick Fury caused her to wince.

"Hey, I'm not the one that challenged a terrorist to a cage match." She rebutted, trying to defend herself.

The agent heard the one-eyed man sigh, "I'm going to need you to get out of the house until this whole thing blows over. We have a safe house being set up for you two and a jet that will be there tomorrow at 0700."

Y/n spared a glance at the stairs that led to the garage, "I don't think Tony will be fond of that idea; running away."

"Well, as your boss I'm ordering you to go. Whether or not he goes is not my problem. But' I'm not allowing you to get caught in the middle of his death wish." Fury's voice held no room for argument. "You just got up close and personal with a terrorist. I expect you to call and inform us if you come within the grasp of any new information that could be useful in taking this bastard down."

The SHIELD Agent sighed and nodded, despite Fury not being able to see her, "Yes, Sir." She paused for a second before speaking, "Look, Nick. This man thrives on controlling people by using their fear against them. He doesn't like to be challenged. No one has ever challenged him before. At some point, he will come for us."

Fury didn't respond for a few moments, as if thinking of a plan, "When the jet comes tomorrow to pick you two up, I am going to have agents post themselves around the outside of the property to keep surveillance. We'll see if we can catch anything that could lead us back to this son of a bitch."

Y/n smiled, satisfied with the response. "Yes, Sir."

The call ended before she pulled the phone away and she turned to go back down the garage stairs to inform Tony of what was going on but her phone started to ring again. She dropped her shoulders in defeat upon seeing the caller and reluctantly brought the phone to her ear as she clicked to answer the call, "Wow, Steve. When did you learn how to use a cellphone?"

"Not the time, Y/n." His voice was stern, "What the hell was Stark thinking? He not only put a target on the back of his head, but yours too!"

"Calm down, Captain." The woman tried to ease the man down from his rage, "I knew what he was going to do the second he started talking."

That did not help the man's mood as much as she thought it would. "Then why didn't you stop him?!" The man seethed, "God, Y/n, I-"

"Steve!" She cut him off, "We're going to be fine, okay? Fury already called me. We're getting picked up tomorrow morning to be taken to a safe house." She stopped talking and upon hearing that the man wasn't going to talk, continued, "Agents are going to be dropped off and watch the perimeter of the house. No one goes in or out without SHIELD knowing about it. The Mandarin is not used to being challenged. So, he is most likely not going to blow us up the same way that he has the other places. He'll want to go overboard to set an example. We're going to see if we can get something that will lead us back to him."

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