Iron Man 3 - 28 - The Old Days

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"A famous man once said, 'We create our own demons.' Who said that? What does it even mean? Doesn't matter. I said it because he said it. So, now, he was famous and it's basically getting said by two well-known guys. I don't, uh..."  He sighed, "I'm going to start again. Let's track this from the beginning."

A '90s pop song played loud in Y/n's ears as she walked through the crowd of drunk and dancing people. She flinched as a pair of hands grabbed her hips and turned around to face the person. Not able to recognize him, she slapped his hands off of her and quickly made her way out of the crowd.

Seeing the man she was looking for, she groaned when she saw him stumble and almost take a woman to the ground with him. The woman stomped her way over to him, seeing him walk and wave off an older looking man with glasses as he traveled. She reached him and made her way to stop in front of him, "Tony!"

He looked at her and smiled, "Hey! Look who it is!" The man continued to walk until they made it out of the large room and into a much more quiet lobby-like area. 

She frowned, "Tony, where have you been? I've been looking for you all over." He continued to walk, "Are we gonna watch the fireworks-" and Y/n struggled to keep up with him, "-together like we do every-" Someone ran into her and she had to run to catch up with her friend again, "-every year?"

"It started in Bern, Switzerland. 1999."

"Yeah, sure..." His voice trailed off and he continued to walk at a fast speed. 

Although it was much more quiet, there was still much yelling that could be heard. She tried to get Tony's attention back multiple times but her best friend drunkenly led a group of people through the area, talking and joking with Happy.

"The old days."

"Mr. Stark!"

"I never thought they would come back to bite me. Why would they?"

"Oh, wow! Hey, Tony!" A man limping with a cane walked up to them as they stopped to wait in front of an elevator, "Aldrich Killian." He had long hair that had very obviously not been brushed and large glasses with thin frames, "I'm a big fan of your work." He looked at Y/n as she stood next to Tony. "You too! You're great." He stepped closer to her and she was yanked backward, almost falling over. She turned to see Tony with his hand around her wrist and glared at him, pulling her arm from his grasp.

"My work?" Maya spoke up, a drunken smile on her face.

Tony disregarded Y/n's glare and wrapped his arms around Maya, pulling her into the elevator with him. "Who isn't? He means me."

"Well, of course, but, Ms. Hansen, my organization's been tracking your research since year two of MIT." He stuttered more and slowly took steps toward Tony and Maya who were now standing in the elevator.

Happy, who had had enough of the man stepped in front of the man and into the doorway of the elevator. Tony frowned, "Yeah, we're full." He looked behind the man to see Y/n standing there looking at him as if to say 'really?'

Killian ducked under Happy's arm and into the elevator, ending up right next to Tony and Maya.

The annoyance was apparent in Tony's voice, "Oh, wow, he made it. He made the cut."

Happy sent Y/n an apologetic look right as the doors closed and they disappeared from sight.


Entering her hotel room, she closed the door behind her and sighed. Y/n threw off her jacket and made her way into the bathroom.

About an hour later, Y/n stood at the window of the room, looking out at the flashing lights of the city below her. A towel was draped over her shoulders and she was using it to gently dry her hair off. Suddenly, cheers could be heard and fireworks went off in the sky. The girl sighed, "Happy New Year to me..."


On the top of the building, Aldrich Killian stood leaning against the wall. He checked his watch over and over again, hoping that at any moment the door to the roof would open and Tony Stark would walk out.

It had been at least an hour since the billionaire was supposed to be there and the shaking man was beginning to lose hope. He watched the fireworks go off around him and approached the edge of the building, a swell of anger growing inside of him.

"So, why am I telling you this? Because I had just created demons and I didn't even know it... Yeah, those were good times. Then I moved on. After a brief soiree in an Afghan cave, I said goodbye to the party scene. I forgot that night in Switzerland. These days, I'm a changed man."


Hey, I know that you all are here for Tony. But I have a Steve Rogers book with one of my OCs. It's about as long as this one and has 28 chapters currently published. I'm really proud of it and it would be much appreciated if you checked it out. It is also something that I am currently writing so the writing quality should be on par with this book. It starts at the first Avengers movie and so far it goes through Age Of Ultron. I am planning to take that book all the way through Endgame just as with this one. 

Once again, I can't force anyone to do anything, but it would be appreciated if you checked it out if you have any interest in Cap. 

When the time comes for Civil War and Ragnarok to take place would you like to be put in the storyline of both movies or just one?

If I were to place you in just Civil War, what side would you want to be on? Its hard for me to choose as I am a fan of both Tony and Steve pretty equally. And I understand why they chose what side they chose and their reasons for it. So I will base what side you choose of who you guys say I should.

And If you were to become a part of Ragnarok, how would that fit into the storyline and how would you end up there? What would happen to cause you to end up on an alien planet? Would you get taken away in the quinjet with Bruce when he leaves at the end of Age Of Ultron? Or would it be something else?

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