2 - Early Christmas

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Y/n pov

It's been four hours since he was supposed to show up. Four fucking hours. I stand by Rhodey's side as we wait at the front of the jet for Tony to arrive. "That man is unbelieveable. Sometimes I wonder how I ever became his friend."

Rhodey gave a small chuckle. "You know Y/n that he would be completely lost without you. He can barely tie his shoes without you there."

I shook my head and gave him a small smile. "Thank you Rhodey but that's what he has pepper for."

"I'm serious Y/n."

I looked up at him. "I'll believe you when he starts acting like he cares."

The sound of an engine stops whatever Rhodey was going to say next as two cars race toward the jet. The first, I can tell, is Tony because of the car that is being driven and the second, I'm assuming, is Happy.

My hypothesis is proved correct when Tony exits the nice sports car he was driving and Happy leaves the other one and heads to the trunk. They have a short conversation before heading up the steps and to the jet.

I'm funimg. "You know how long we've been standing here? Four hours tony. We've been waiting for four hours."

He walked right by us and patted Rhodey's shoulder as he entered the plane. "And now I'm waiting on you let's go."


Tony and I were standing next to each other as we waited for the okay to start our presentation on our newest missile. We were signaled to start and Tony turned to the group of military officials in front of us. "The age old question: is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both."

I continued for him, "With that in mind, we humbly present the crown jewel of Stark Industries Freedom Line. It's the first missile system to incorporate our proprietary Repulsor Technology. They say the best weapon is one you never have to fire. I respectfully disagree. I prefer the one you only have to fire once..."

Tony gave the signal and the missile was launched. "That's how dad did it, it's how America does it, and it's worked out pretty well so far."

I started speaking again. "Find an excuse to fire off one of these and we personally guarantee the enemy is not gonna want to leave their caves."

Behind us, the missile opened itself up and a whole bunch of smaller missiles launched from it. Tony finished us off. "For your consideration, the Jericho..."

The smaller missiles exploded all behind us and it sent a large shock wave toward us. I could see some of the men's hats fly off from the force of the wind.

The people applauded and we both smiled. Walking toward one of the suitcases that was resting on a table, Tony opened the lid and a mini drink bar rose out of it. I made myself a drink and walked over to Rhodey to make conversation.

Tony walked over to us and called Obadiah. He answered and we could see that he was lying on his bed in a fancy robe. He looked unusually at peace and happy. Normally he is out and about at the company getting work done at a time like this. "How'd it go?" He questioned.

Tony smiled. "Great. Looks like it's going to be an early Christmas."

"That's good. Look, I gotta go. Good luck. Safe trip home."


The generals all started leaving in Humvees while Tony and I headed toward our own personal convoy of them. I thought that it was a bit much for just the two of us but I couldn't complain. Tony had a small talk with Rhodey before entering the Humvee in front of the one I was assigned to.

Rhodey gave me a small pat on the back and entered the Humvee two behind me. I entered the car and sat in the back, making conversation with the men in the car with me as we drove.

It had been a cuople hours and was sitting peacefully in the back of the car when an explosion sounded from outside. I snapped my head up to look at the source of the noise and saw that one of the cars in front of Tony's had exploded. I heard an even louder explosion and turned to look out the the back window only to see that the car behind me was in the air and headed straight for the one that I was in.

I screamed and quickly dropped my head and tried to force the head of the soldier next to me down before the car landed on us. After this happened, gun shots could be heard and the people in the car with me started to leave and go fight.

I tried telling one of them to give me a gun but they didn't listen. Bullets started to pierce the truck and I tried dodging them. Dropping to the floor I brought my knees up to my chest to cover my vital organs and I yelled out in pain when a bulled pierced my thigh.

I pulled the handle of the door and it opened, causing me to fall out and land on my back. Flipping to my stomach I saw a rock and started crawling to it for cover, not being able to walk at the moment.

Once I got there leaned my back against the hard surface and was soon joined by someone else who apparently had the same idea. Turning to my left, I saw that it was Tony and I could feel a small sense of relief that he wasn't dead.

I groaned in pain and he raked his every over my body looking for the source. Once he saw the blood leaking from me leg his eyes widened even more in alarm and he pulled out his phone. Tony started dialing a number but was cut off when a missile landed in front of us. We both looked in horror at the weapon with our company name on the side and scrambled to get up.

He tried his best to hoist me up with him but by them it was too late and the missile detonated. The explosion hit us full force and sent us both flying onto our backs. I groaned in pain, my body slowly loosing feeling as blood soaked my clothes.

I slightly turned to see Tony at my side with holes protruding from his chest. I weakly reached my hand over and took hold of his. I could feel the slightest of squeeze before my vision drifted into darkness.

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