Iron Man - 1 - Done With You

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(There might be some things off or different from what happens in the movie. These things include the words that are spoken or some scenes being added. I am writing most of the actions and dialogue from what I remember from the movie. On top of that there is no real script online that I can fine that directly correlates with the movie so I will try my best. Pretty much every script that I have used has been different from the last. There was one that looked really close but I choose not to use that one because it was only the dialogue. Thank you. Enjoy!)

3rd person pov

"But Howard Stark's greatest achievement would come in 1973 ." Pictures flashed on the giant screen. From President Ford holding a baby Tony Stark, to four old Tony building a massive building-block city, to Twelve year old tony building assembling an engine. "From early on, it was clear that Tony Stark had a unique gift-" A photo of Tony working on turbine engines in a hanger of F-18s is projected onto the screen, for the entire crowd to see. "At seventeen, he graduated from summa cum laude from MIT. Four years later, tragedy would pass the Stark mantle from father to son-" A picture from Howard Stark's funeral followed by Tony with Reagan, Bush Sr., and Clinton. "The loss of a Titan. But Tony did not let the personal grief distract him from his duty." Photos and videos of Tony's achievements and weapons began to get shown to the crowd. "At twenty-one, he became the youngest ever CEO of a fortune 500 company. And with it came a new mandate. Smarter weapons, fewer causalities. A dedication to preserving life. Today Tony Stark's ingenuity continues to protect freedom and American interest around the globe."

The audience applauds and then a light is revealed on the stage. It is pointed at Colonel James Rhodes, who is standing at a podium with an award in his hands. He smiles at the audience and waits for them to quiet. "As program manager and Liaison to Stark Industries, I've had the honor of serving with a real patriot, a man whose life has been dedicated to protecting our troops on the front lines .He's a friend. And a great mentor. A man who has always been there for hif friends and his country. Ladies and gentlemen, this year's Ares Award winner- Mr. Tony Stark!"

Applause erupts from the people seated in the audience. A spotlight shines on the seat where Tony was supposed to be sitting. The applause wanes as people look around the venue in confusion and the lights fade up.

Obadiah Stane, the CFO of Stark Industries, stands up, preparing to take the award for Tony. He is however pulled back when a young woman grabs his hand. "I'll do it. Just wait here." The man nods and sits back down.

The woman stands from her seat and makes her way up the stage and to the podium. She smiles at the audience and clears her throat. "Thank you. Well, I'm not tony Stark. That much is clear." A small wave of laughter ripples throughout the audience. "If I were Tony, I'd tell you how honored I am and what a joy it is to receive this award. As a friend and colleague of his, there's one thing that I can tell you; The best thing about Tony is also the worst thing- he's always working..."


Y/n's pov

I walk into the casino seething with anger. That man has some nerve. It was already bad enough that Tony got all the credit at the award ceremony when I've been working at his side for the last fourteen years at the company, helping him create his weapons. I show up to the ceremony for him so he can get an award for all the hard work that we've done and he doesn't bother to even bother to show up to accept the award. I've been his best friend since we were in diapers and it's like that doesn't even matter to him anymore.

Rhodey is at my side and we see a large group of girls surrounding a craps table. We look to each other and simultaneously sigh as we approach the group. We push our way through the girls and Tony looks up and sees us. "My god... What are you... They roped you guys into this thing too?"

Rhodey speaks as I just glare at Tony. "Yeah. They said that you'd be deeply honored if I presented."

Tony looks back to the game he was playing. "Okay, let's do it."

I place the award on the felt table in front of him and he looks to me, as if just noticing that I was there. "That was quick. Thought there'd be more of, you know, a ceremony. Maybe a highlight reel-"

Tony holds up the dice in his hand to Rhodey's mouth. Rhodey sighs, "Tony no... Im not going to..."

Tony sighs, "Suit yourself." He rolls the dice and he craps out. Groans come from the table and everyone stares at Rhodey.

Tony begins to leave the casino while Rhodey and I follow. People take photos as he passes the tables and Rhodey tries to get him to see straight. "A lot of people would kill to have their name on that award."

Tony gives a quick look to us. "It belongs to my old man. They should have given it to him."

I sigh in annoyance and anger. "What's wrong with you? A thousand people came here tonight to honor you, and you just leave them with egg on their face. This award means something, Tony, it's bigger than you-"

"Hold that thought a sec." He starts to flirt with the women he passes by.

I growl a bit and take Tony and Rhodey's arms. "We've got a hell of a day tomorrow. Can we just get out of here now?"

Tony looked to me. "One more stop."


On the way out, Tony passes the ARES award to a cosplayer which infuriates me more. I sigh and continue following the boys out. Once we are outside, I look to Rhodey, "Look, I can't handle this right now. I'll see you on the plane tomorrow." I give him a quick hug.

As I turn to leave, someone grabs my wrist. I turn and see Tony and sigh. "What do you want?"

"Where are you going?"

"Home. Why do you care?" I give him a pointed look. "You obviously didn't care earlier when I had to accept your fucking award for you." My anger is resurfacing.

Tony sighs and takes off his sunglasses and looks me in the eye. "Look, Y/n..."

I pull my hand from his grasp and sigh, dropping my head and shaking it. "I'm going to go. You better be there tomorrow morning."

His Iron Heart - Tony Stark x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin