Part 16

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"All I remember is a black light and then, while I was in a coma, completely white and after I woke up, well nothing but now everything......." May says. "I remember everything going black and while in a coma black, when I woke up it was all machines bleeping and Vic yelling." I say. "Well guys it's the end of the video and so all I have to say, STAY A RAINFUCKINGBOW YOUTUBE." I end the video. "So what do you guys wanna do now?" Vic asks. "Well I think Nick and I were going to go on a double date with Liz and Amy, but I'll have to leave early, head to work." Matt says. "Oh, cool guess we'll stay in, movie night." May replies. "Okay cool we'll be back by 11:30, cya guys." Amy says as she and Liz grab their purses. "VEGGIE GRILL HERE WE COME!!!!" Matt shouts, and closes the door. "So what you guys wanna do?" Vic asks. "To be honest I kinda wanna turn in early, even if it is 8:47....." May says. "Me too....." says Mikey. "Well I guess goodnight?" I say as Mikey grabs Vic and they run to Vic's room. Quickly, May grabs mine. "May whats go-" that's all I could say as May shut the door, pushed me against it and kissed me. She pulled away. "To spontaneous?" She asked. "Nope." I pushed her into my bed as she laughed and laid down. I acted like I was going to jump on her which made her laugh harder. "You know you're so sexy when you laugh, right?" I asked her. "Oh reallllllyyyyyy......." she replied. I laid next to her and she draped her arm around my waist. I turned so I could see her as she lent in to kiss me. Her lips moved with power yet with softness, as she gently bit my bottom lip. I beckoned for her to sit up and she did as I sat in her lap and wrapped my legs around her waist. She gently moves from my lips to my neck, nibbling until she found my sweet spot. I started to shiver. "Awwww is my poor Stella cold? You know, the say direct body heat is the best way to stay warm...." she whispered in my ear, only making me shiver more. I took off my shirt and cami to be just in my bra and shorts. May did the same. Slowly we slipped under the cover, kissing passionately, my legs still around her waist. She continued to keep teasing and then final she decided I deserved something real. She moves her hands from my face to my waist and pulls me closer. "Darling I love you, that's why we have to wait until we get married." she tells me. I nod, I was wanting to wait too. After another 20 minutes of just making out, I am so tired and so is she. We shift so that her legs are intertwined with mine, my back against her chest, and her arm draped over my waist, her other holding my hand. Right as we fall asleep, there is a huge crash in Vic's room.

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