Part 8

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Authors Note: I haven't done this before, but Im dedicating this chapter to my best friend in the world, you know who you are. Thanks for being awesome bro!

Time skip, three days

I wake up to hear beeping of a ton of monitors. I notice I am plugged into about a billon if machines and IVs. All of a sudden I hear a boy about my age screaming, "MATTHEW, NICK, QUICK STELLA IS AWAKE!" My vision is a bit fuzzy but I'm able to make out a boy about 14, with black hair halfway down his neck. Obviously, for being alseep for who know how long, a strange person who knows my name is not the thing I wanna wake up to. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU AND HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME??!!!" I shout. At that point, Matthew and Nick have run in and calmed me down. "Vic, can you go to the waiting room?" they ask, and the he leaves. "Stella." Matthew starts to cry and so does Nick. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." Matt bawls. "What happened?" I ask. Matthew tells me the story, and he has a cast on his arm. I figure out I have one on my left leg. I realize then, where's May? "Where is May?" Matt can't take it anymore, he runs out. "Nick?" I ask with a look of concern. "Stella, May is in a coma, like you were. They knew you were gonna wake up. They don't think May will......" he cry's. I can't take it, I faint.

Time skip

After I fainted, I woke up and just cried for hours. the love of my life isn't going to wake up. I have been refusing to talk anyone, even Nick and Matt. Someone knocks on my door, and comes in. Its that Vic kid. "Who the hell are you and how do you know me? I ask. "My names Victor, but call me Vic. I know you cause Matthew and Nick are my uncles." he says. "I'm so sorry about what happened, truly I am. If anything happened to my boyfriend I would act just like you........" he continues. "Wait boyfriend?" I ask. "Yup, 100% gay. Actually, that's the reason why I'm here, my dad found out I was gay and kicked me out.......... long story short, we're brother and sister now." he says. It takes me a few minutes to process this and finally I say, cool. We talk for hours about everything, he keeps my mind off of May, at least for a while. We discuss everything from gaming to pizza. I'm older than him by a week and a half, but he's taller. I actually smile a bit. Then Matt and Nick come in and tell him that he needs to go home and rest. As he leaves, and yells "BYE BIG LITTLE SIS!" And I say "Bye asshole!" He laughs and I smile. Then it hits, the love of my life is probably not going to wake up, and I'm never gonna hear her perfect voice again, feel her again, kiss her again. I break.

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