Part 1

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Hi, my names Stella. I am 14 and am in an orphanage. I have brown hair, which I hate, blue eyes, which I hate, and have been living in this hell hole for 5 years. I have had one girlfriend over the years and she dumped me for the most popular boy in school. My life pretty much sucks.

"Stella, your adoption meeting is in an hour, don't fuck it up." Says the caretaker, Ms. Jonny. I shower, put on my best pair of black jeans, and my Lush Laws t-shirt. I have 3 minutes before the meeting starts so I quickly swoop on some black eyeliner and put on my bracelets. My meeting starts in ten seconds so I run down the stairs. "This is your best chance of getting out of here." Ms. Jonny says. I open the door and instantly black out.

I wake up to see Ms. Jonny hovering over me. "I had the craziest dream." I said as I got up on my feet. "I dreamt that Matthew Lush and Nick Laws were going to adop-" I stop short. Right in front of me sits Matthew Lush and Nick Laws. "Hon you weren't dreaming." Says Matthew. "This is some sick joke isn't it." I say. "Nope pack your bags your leaving in 20 minutes." Ms. Jonny says. I run upstairs, pack everything in my closet and posters on my wall. Then the bathroom. I grab everything on the sink and then the shower. There is only one thing that I could possibly need out of there and sadly, it is underneath a loose tile. I grab it and hid it underneath a mess of clothes, and run downstairs. "You ready?" Matthew asks. "Yup." I reply. "Anyone you wanna say goodbye to." Nick ask. "Nope." I say back. Matthew signs the final papers and off we go.

It is about an hour and a half drive from the orphanage to their apartment so I fall asleep. Matthew shakes me and wakes me up." Stella we're here." He says. Nick unlocks the door and gives me a tour. " And finally, your room." The door opens and I see a queen bed with gray sheets, a desk and a dresser with a closet next to it.There is a bathroom to the left. "The orphanage said you were artistic so we figured if we left the walls blank then you could paint them whatever you like." Matthew says from behind Nick. "You like it?" He says. "It's perfect, thank you so much." I say back. "The orphanage also said you have asked to dye your hair blue many times and for your cartilage pierced a ton too." Matthew says. "You wanna go do it?" He adds. "That's so sweet, but I couldn't ask you guys to do that." I say. "Why?" Nick asks. "We meet like two hours ago, it seems a bit pushy." I say back. "How about we go next week, if you want to." Matthew says. "I would like that very much, thank you." I say. "Well we are gonna head off to bed, night Stella." Says Nick. "Let us know if you need anything hon." Matthew says. "Okay, I will." I reply. I change into my pajamas, and fall right asleep.

The next week is pretty un eventful. Matthew and Nick record as usual. I hear them in there room when they are and always watch the new vids. It was a Friday night when everything totally changed. I was having the reoccurring nightmare of the day I was left orphaned. I woke up crying and ran to my bag and dug out the instrument that would create red. I kept going until I realized I had fucked up this one bad. I started to cry like I had never cried before. They were going to take me back and I would never leave. All of a sudden the door burst open, and Nick comes in. "Oh my god, let me get Matt." He says as a start crying harder. He yells for Matthew and he comes rushing in. "What's wrong?" He says, an instantly looks down at my arm. "Oh hon, let's get you cleaned up." He says. "Nick, you can go back to sleep if you want." He says. "Nope I wanna stay here." Nick replies. " Your sure." Matthew says. "Yup she is my daughter too." Nick says. Did he just call me his daughter. I have only heard Matt say it. After I am cleaned and bandaged up, Matthew looks concerned. " I am sorry I have to ask you this, but why." He say. I hesitate and begin. "So the orphanage didn't tell you how I ended up there, right." They both nod their heads yes. " When I was nine, my mom, dad, and 3 year old sister all took a trip to Savannah. It was 11:00 pm and we were crossing the street. I saw a car coming very fast and ran back to the other side of the road. My family stopped, and asked me what was wrong. Before I could answer, the car struck my dad and my mom. My sister was in her stroller, and survived the blow, but was in critical condition. My mom and dad were pronounced dead as soon as the ambulance came. My sister died the next day. I was left orphaned and sibling-less in less than a day.

I was alone in the world. My mom and dad had no sisters or brothers and my only grandparents were 78. I was brought back home and placed in the orphanage. After that day, I thought of all the possible ways my family could of been saved. If I had only told them in time, if we had kept going. I always knew it was my fault, and every night it haunts me." I state. Matthew and Nick look at me and I start to cry again. Matthew rocks me in his arms and Nick hands me tissues. "Hey it is okay, you aren't alone. You have us and we love you." Nick says. "Thanks." I reply. "You wanna try to get some sleep?" Matthew asks. "Sure." I say. I see Nick pull up a chair. "If it is okay for you, I wanna stay here and make sure you are okay." He says. "Sure, thanks." I say again. Matthew plants a kiss on my forehead. "Goodnight Stella, love you." He says. "Love you too Matt." I reply, just before I fall deep asleep.

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