Part 15

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️May leaves the hospital the next day. It's the first time since the accident I've laughed with true heart. I introduce her to Vic and Mikey. I begin a vlog I've been waiting to do for a long time. "MATT,NICK, LIZ, AMY, VIC AND MIKEY, GET YOUR ASSES OVER HERE!!!" I scream and May giggles. The sit on my bed and I begin the vlog. "ELLO MY DARK RAINFUCKINGBOWS!!!!" I shout and everyone laughs. "Obviously, if you haven't figured it out, May is okay. She was cleared by the hospital and is," I choke out. "safe." May hugs me and kisses me, "Oh Hun!!" We start crying. "Guys we'll be right back." I say. after about a 20 minute session of is crying and hugging, we can compose ourselves enough to begin. "So to start May and I's channel being restarted, we are doing a Q and Gay. Lets begin!!" I say. "LushLawsislyfe asks Amy and Liz: What was your reaction when May woke up?" I say. "It was just like the day she was born and we held her the first time, we knew she was going to be okay." Amy answers. "AshisPurdyy asks Matt and Nick: What was your reaction when you found out Stella was gay?" I ask. "I KNEW IT!!!" They both shout. "Vic and Mikey this is for you, Renee1239 ask: Who's top?" Mikey blushes. "Me!" He says. Vic laughs and kisses him. "Love yah babe." He says. "Love yah too." Mikey replies. "Last but not least for May and I. Mella4eves asks: What do you remember of the accident May..... Stella?" I can't believe Someone would ask it........ "Well," begins May.

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