Part 5

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The look on May's face made me giggle. "You have two dads!?!" She practically yells. "Yup, actually two famous dads." I reply. "Wait, is that Nick and Matthew?" She asks. "Yup." I say. "Stella, what did you have to say?" Matthew ask. "Well Matt and Nick, I am gay. This is my girlfriend May." I explain. "Took you long enough, Stella, my gaydar has a 94.36% rate. We both already knew." Matt says. "Well, you could of told me you already knew." I reply. They both laugh. "May, do your parents know? Will they be angry?" Nick says with a look of concern on his face. "Actually, Stella, I need to tell you, I have two moms." She says smiling. We all laugh. May calls her moms and they meet Matt and Nick. While they talk, May and I work on starting a youtube channel together, kinda like Nick and Matt. Let me just say, it was the best day of my life.

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