Part 6

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1 month later

"WHATS UP MY DARK RAINBOWS?!?!?" I shout into the camera. "So I'm getting ready for the BVB concert with the one and only May Huntson!" I point the camera at May, who is applying black lipstick, and she gives a wave, to the camera, and I giggle. "Babe looking tots my goats fabs." she says. "Thanks, lolzs." I reply "So guys well be right back when we're on the way. To the concert, See yah soon, dark rainbows!" I end the blog and continue to get ready. I tease my now rainbow black hair, and help teases May's red and purple hair. I do my makeup and then get dressed. After all this is finished my outfit consists of.... black vans, black skinnies, my Wretched and Divine shirt, BVB necklace and bracelets, my upper snakebites, and my BVB plugs, along with a other studs. May comes out in combat boots, white skinnies, BVB logo t-shirt, lower snakebites, BVB necklace and bracelets and a leather jacket. "Damn" She says. I look sea and blush. Matt and Nick will be back in like 20 minutes so we decide to chill in my room. All of a sudden, May grabs my hand and pulls me up. She leans in and kisses me, but its different then before. She begs for entrance, but I'm gonna be mean and not let her. I grab her by the waist and she pulls me on the bed. I finally let her in and she explores every inch of my mouth. After a few minutes we pull away. I begin to kiss her softly on her neck, and she starts to giggle. "Stella, we better get ready to go Matt will be here any minute to take us." She says. "Grrrrr fine........" I say cutely. We fix our hair and clothes just as Matt and Nick come home. "Stella, May, come on let's gooooooooo!" Matt yells. Matt is actually staying for the concert, we got him addicted to Black Veil Brides. Or maybe it's just him being addicted to Ashley Purdy? we get in the car and I start vlogging. "Ello my dark rainbows!" I say in a British accent. "I'm in the car with Matt and May. Say ello guys!" "Ello guys!" Matt says. "Ello!" May says. Damn she is so cute when she talks British. "We are just pulling up to the outdoor stage, and where gonna park and once we get in ill start the blog back up, unless we see Andy, Ashley, Jinxx, CC or Jake!" I say and end the vlog, as we make out way to the entrance!

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