Thrown together again

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As Jiraiya and I sat with Naruto; the consequences from last night were heavy. I was fighting everything to not fall asleep in my bowl of ramen.

"(Y/N)!," Naruto startled me awake yet again.

"Yes, Naruto?," I dusted off my non-dusty pants and turned to him.

"Are you okay?," he squinted his eyes at me.

I laughed, "I'm great Naruto. Just didn't sleep well."

I heard Jiraiya mumble something from the other side of Naruto. Even though I didn't hear him; I threw something at him. Considering my previous statement; it was probably something Naruto didn't need to hear.

When Naruto finished he gave me a hug, "I'll see you tomorrow (y/n). Sasuke and I are supposed to meet up and train soon."

I ruffled his hair, "Okay kid; I'll see you tomorrow. Kick his ass."

He laughed and waved at us as he ran off towards the training grounds.

I turned to Jiraiya, "We should probably go talk to Tsunade."

He nodded, "She'll be glad to see a smile on your face shorty."


As soon as we walked in; she started questioning Jiraiya about me.

"How'd she do?," she looked between us.

Jiraiya and I looked between each other before he signaled for me to take the lead.

All I did was walk up to her desk and smile.

She practically jumped over her desk and wrapped her arms around my neck, "Finally!"

I was kind of taken back by the sudden sign of affection; but I relished in it anyways.

When she let me go; she sat back down and started chuckling nervously.

I raised my eyebrow at her, "What is it?"

She grinned at me, "Uhm. So I need Jiraiya to go on a mission for me. He's the only one I can trust to do it..,"she trailed off.

I waited silently for her to continue.

"Eh he, I still need someone to monitor you for a bit; and the only one I have available is-."

"You can't be serious," I crossed my arms over my chest.

The doors opened and of course; in walked Kakashi.

"You wanted to see me Lady Tsunade?," he glanced between Jiraiya and i as he spoke.


"Can't I just go with Jiraiya on the mission?"

She shot me a glare for interrupting her, "No. I need you here; I plan on introducing you to the elders. I'm pushing for you to be made a jonin soon."

I was honestly surprised. I never really thought about becoming an actual ninja, "You're not going to make me genin first?"

She shook her head, "Everyone in this room knows you're strong enough to at least be jonin."

I bowed, "Thank you Lady Tsunade. But-."

She groaned, "No buts (y/n). Until I can be certain that you're okay alone; Kakashi will be watching after you."

I rolled my eyes, "Yes Lady Tsunade."

"Good, now all of you go. Jiraiya; head out immediately."

~Kohona gates~

Kakashi silently followed Jiraiya and I the whole way. I could tell we were both dreading being stuck with each other.

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