🤍 Chapter 11 🤍

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Kimitsuki and Izuku arrived at the U. A. High School for their second day with high spirits. While Izuku was just glad to not be kicked out on his first day, Kimitsuki was looking forward to the classes that they would be having that day. Their entire weekly schedule was very interesting to her.

"Good morning, Ka-Chan," Kimitsuki greeted Katsuki as she took her seat behind him. She didn't mind that he didn't reply to her and she didn't insist on it. She didn't want to bother him too much.

Quite honestly, Kimitsuki had wanted to smile at Katsuki when she went to take her seat behind him but decided against him. She knew she had to take it slow with Katsuki lest it gets worse.

Even though it was the Hero course, Kimitsuki was glad to see that they had all their normal classes, too. They were taught subjects like English by Present Mic and Mathematics by Ectoplasm.

"Which of these English sentences is wrong?" Present Mic asked, pointing to the blackboard as he turned to look at the students. "Everybody, heads up! Let's get this party started!"

A. The man whom I respect most is my father.

B. That is the house in which he lived.C. I well remember the day on which we both met.D. Please tell me that all you know.

Kimitsuki glanced her eyes over the sentences and then raised her hand to be picked out to answer.

"Okay, Kuroyanagi, come on!" Present Mic shouted, and Kimitsuki blushed slightly as she stood up to answer, bowing her head slightly to thank him for picking her out.

"Yes, Sensei, the answer is 'D'," Kimitsuki answered quietly. "The relative pronoun – 'that' – is in the wrong place in the sentence. Either it should be omitted or switch places with 'all',"

"Correct!" Present Mic exclaimed.

Their lunch break was an interesting affair as well, prepared by the Cook Hero – Lunch Rush.

Finally, around that afternoon, everyone sat in anticipation of their next class – which was Hero Basic Training. Kimitsuki was wondering what it was about and who was going to teach it to them. Was it going to be their homeroom teacher, Aizawa? There was a lot of things that Kimitsuki wanted to learn from him, and could learn from him.

"I am ... coming through the door like a normal person!"

Along with her classmates, Kimitsuki turned to look at the doorway and saw that it was All Might who had made his appearance, and he was, of course, in his muscle form rather than his actual one.

"It's All Might!" Denki exclaimed.

"Wow, he really is a teacher!" Eijiro shouted.

"That's a costume from the Silver Age, isn't it?" Tsuyu observed.

"The style is so different; it's giving me goose-bumps!" Mashirao breathed.

Kimitsuki watched with a small smile as All Might walked into the classroom and to the teacher's desk. She felt like she would've been awed like her classmates had she not trained with All Might.

"I teach Hero Basic Training," All Might told them. "It is a subject where you train in different ways to learn the basics of being a hero. You'll take the most units of this subject! Let's get right into it! This is what we'll do today – Combat training!"

"Combat..." Katsuki growled in anticipation.

"... training," Izuku muttered in uncertainty.

"We're already starting with that, huh?" Kimitsuki breathed, looking at All Might as her classmates all began to chatter excitedly about what they wanted to do in their upcoming lesson.

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