Tonight We Are Young

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"Don't worry about it Becks, you're interrupting nothing at all."AJ said as he got up and left.

VC-AJ-Better to remove myself from this situation before it escalates further. Alexa and I's pattern of breaking up and making up has ended. She's not trapping me again.

" that how you were seducing him?"Becky asked Alexa.

"I don't know what the hell that was to be honest."

VC-Alexa-AJ and I have so much history together that its impossible to ignore. When I look at him or have any interactions with him all these memories come rushing back. I don't necessarily want to be with him again but.....I do miss him. I do miss our times together.


"Alright everyone, welcome back to nominations."said Hunter as everyone applauded, "As we all know, Seth and AJ already earned their place in the final so obviously they're safe. Dream and Aleister are this weeks losers so now we need to find them some opponents. The only options we have is the team of Chris and Punk and Kevin and Sami. Without further ado, we'll start with Trish and Lita. Who will you be voting for?"

"If I may interject."Sami interrupted Trish who was about to speak, "You know.......I feel pretty guilty about having made it this far. As everyone might have realized, Kevin and I aren't the most outstanding team here so.....we would really like this opportunity to go into eliminations and show everyone what we're made of. Its about time. So, it would be great of you ladies us into the Stomping Grounds. What do you guys say?" guys were obviously going in anyway. No need to act so heroic.

"Yea id rather Chris get this opportunity to directly make it to the finals. I think its about time we see an elimination and earn our stripes." said Kevin.

"Im a part of the team too y'know."said Punk.

" you really mean that?"Chris put his hand over his heart.

"I do buddy. You took me under your wing and showed me your ways. Its because of you we made it this far. So in return....i'll be the one to go into the Stomping Grounds."

"You don't need to do this Kev."

"But I want too."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Start prepping for the finals Chris. You're gonna kill it. And i'll be there cheering you on as you take first place!"

VC-Charlotte-Oh give me a fucking break with this.....

"Ladies, are any of you opposed to Kevin and Sami going into eliminations?"Hunter asked.

They all looked at each other. No one said anything.

"Well, theres your match. At the Stomping Grounds its going to be Aleister and Velveteen versus Kevin and Sami. As for Chris and Punk.....congrats guys. You're going to the finals."

Kevin began loudly clapping, "Way to go buddy! You deserve it!"

"Im gonna win this money for you Kev!"Chris said.

"Trish....are you sure that you're Chris' girlfriend?"Seth asked her.

Chris got up from his seat and tackled Kevin with a hug.


VC-Chris-Oh no doubt about it Kevin and Sami were going into eliminations. I had the numbers on my side, they werent going to vote me in. But for Kevin to step up and willingly take the bullet like that really meant a lot to me. It made me tear up a little, not gonna lie.

WWE-The Challenge-Rivals (Season 3)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ