Tobi nods and stepped back, seconds later the doors opened slowly, reaviling a certain red head I've tried hard to forget for so long.

"Zoe," the word seethed out of Jasmine's mouth like venom. It sounded with so much hate and rancour I could feel Zoe wince.

Zoe laughed, "wow Asher! You've outdone yourself," she said looking at everyone. "We're just returning her, not having a fucking party, geez," she says, popping her red painted lips with her hands on her hips.

I want to break those hands.

Little did she know backup was a word away. "Where is she," Michael asks, moving straight to the point.

Zoe looked shocked to see him, "Michael! Long time no see!" Zoe says and he rolls his eyes.

"Welcome!" A male voice says, appearing from behind Zoe.

The atmosphere was tense and everyone could feel it, there was too much anxiety in the air. "Why are you all out here? Come in!" He says, gesturing us into the barn.

I narrowed my eyes at him but trying my best to create an impassive expression on my face as I nodded for everyone to follow him, I followed as well.

He led us into the large barn. Hay covered most of the ground but other than that it was empty and bright. The entrance was left open, thankfully.

"Where is she?" Jasmine asks and Zoe grins.

"Let her out," Zoe yells.

At this moment I felt my heart in my stomach with anticipation. I clenched my jaw tightly as footsteps sounded closer and closer.

Seconds later she was here; Bianca with Antonio holding her wrists tightly from behind.

At first I hesitated at the sight of her, my breathing hitched in my throat as our eyes met.

What surprised me the most was how she looked, she looked perfectly fine. Untouched even.

No scars, no tears, no expression of pain.

Apart from her finger there was no other evident wound on her skin. From her body language she didn't seem bothered with Antonio's hands on her, she barely even showed emotion from seeing us.

Is she not happy we're here? What did they tell her?

I looked back at Zoe with a deep scowl on my face. I want to get out of here as soon as possible.

"Return her," I tell her sternly.

A guy took over hold of Bianca and Antonio approached, stopping beside Zoe.

"Not so fast. Where's Rhea," he asks, crossing his arms.

I glared hardly at the asshole that betrayed us all. He hasn't changed much in five years, he's still the same bulky dumbass with skin soaked in permanent ink and a rotten soul.

Tobi strolled Rhea forward in her wheelchair. She was quiet like I expected her to be, there was nothing to say. I can't imagine how embarrassed she would feel returning to her mates in such a helpless position.

Serves her right.

Bianca stared at Rhea and I could see her take in a deep breath as if savouring the oxygen around her. She looked too calm, too quiet. Almost like she had invisible tape around her mouth and she's just waiting to explode, but at the same time she looked hollow; empty.

"What did you do to her?" Zoe exclaims in shock.

"We want Bianca, now," Blake snaps from beside me, ignoring her question.

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