Chapter 25|Daddy

Depuis le début

I wonder why my dad agreed to meet here...

"That's him," Michael says suddenly, gaining my attention.

My eyes travel round the room and land on an aged man seated at of the bars. He looked important in his expensive suit and gelled grey hair.

"Daddy," I let out with a low breath. I can't even explain how good it feels to see him again.

I miss my family so darn much, I didn't think  seeing him again would affect me so much.

I felt a hand link with mine and looked up at Leo. "We can go together if you want," he tells me with a soft smile.

I nod appreciatively and give Michael one last smile before advancing towards my father with Leo by my side.

Once he notices me I feel tears threaten to fall from my eyes but I take in a deep breath and hold them black.

I want to go home...

"Pumpkin," my dad greets. "My pumpkin's boyfriend," he acknowledges Leo.

A grin forms on my lips and I give my father a hug, he shakes hands with Leo briefly.

"Daddy, how are you? How's mom? And gorgie?" I ask. Goerge is my fifteen year old brother.

"We're fine pumpkin, I just wanted to know you are alright," he tells me. Leo excuses himself for a while but stays close. He's always been awkward around my dad.

I try not to hesitate, "I'm fine daddy," I lie. I want to leave this place. "I'm doing great. It's so much fun here, very safe."

His eyes study me for a while but I keep a poised face and give nothing away, lying to my dad is nothing new to me.

He hums before sipping from his drink, "oh, where are my manners. Would you like a drink honey?" he asks while gesturing for the bar tender to come.

I shake my head, "no I'm fine, really."

"Nonsense," he exclaims, "at least have one," he smiles and buys me a drink anyways.

I don't sip from it and keep it beside me on the table. "How about the collaboration project, how is that going?" I ask.

"It's going great, that young man; Asher Dane, co owns a very big company. It's really good for the family business," my father says.

Co owns? I never knew Asher co owned the business.

"Who is the second owner?" I ask him.

He didn't seem surprised by my question, "no one knows. The co owner is very private about their identity, most people choose to ignore that," he tells me and I nod.

I wonder who it is.

Should I ask?

Is that overstepping my boundaries?

"I guess that's good, but daddy, you should retire. You're getting old," I tell him.

My father smiles softly, "I'm not that old pumpkin. I've still got it, believe me," he says.

"I doubt it," I say with a laugh, he joins me.

"I'm just happy you're alright. Your mother and I were very worried. I just wanted to make sure," he tells me.

I swallow, "well I'm fine, so tell mom not to worry so much."

He nods, "when will you come home, you need to go back to school," he tells me.

I let out a breath. That is a question I do not know the answer to.

"Soon," I reply.

He doesn't seem satisfied by my answer but nods anyways. "Alright pumpkin, but give us a call once in a while, alright?" He says. I nod silently even though I know I can't and watch him rise from his seat, "well I better get going, I'm happy you're alright. See you soon," he says and lays a kiss on my forehead.

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