the emperor

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(a/n: i didn't mention this, but this is set in the 1800's)

brett was the emperor of japan. he lived lavishly in the palace; while commoners were starving on the streets, brett was enjoying a feast.

when a scrawny boy, a commoner, came up to him asking for a job, he agreed. the boys demeanor intrigued him, the way he played specifically with his middle finger or the way he would shift his weight from left to right and vice versa.

brett stood up. "what job are you willing to do?" he stated, his voice booming in the large room.

eddy jumped. "uhm, anything, your highness." eddy said, voice not quite loud enough for the size of the room, unlike brett's.

"speak up." brett said simply.

"anything, your highness." eddy said louder, but not booming.

brett sat back down and put his hand to his chin, thinking. "very well then, you will be my personal maid." brett announced to the room, eyes still not leaving eddy.

eddy's ears were red, as well as his face. "thank you, your highness." eddy said as he sipped his head as a bow.

brett clapped his hands two times. "alright, follow me." brett said waving his hand as notation to follow him.

they walked through the maze of halls and doors. they came across a double doored room, to which brett extended his hand.

"this is my quarters. you will help me dress and obey my every command." brett said. he tilted his head up, trying to look down on eddy, but eddy was taller.

"yes, your highness." eddy said as he bowed his head.

brett could finally see the top of eddy's head, and smiled triumphantly. "now let's get you out of those rags." brett commanded, waving his hand to the other servants who were walked by.

they all took eddy to a room a few doors down, to which he assumed was the bathroom. there was a wooden bathtub and a wooden bucket near it. there was also a paper foldable structure with lotuses on it. the other servants told him to undress behind the structure, he did as told. they bathed him and gave him new clothes, a nice robe with various flowers on it with little gold detailing. they told him back to the throne room. brett looked pleased.

brett stood up. "very good." he said to himself. "now, lets get to this meeting." brett said louder, to the whole room. eddy nodded as brett walked past. once brett was ahead of him, he started to walk behind him.

the royal carriage was waiting and brett climbed in. eddy stood there, looking at the carriage. brett got annoyed and cleared his throat and patted beside him. eddy climbed in and sat next to brett, the emperor. "you don't have to wait for me, just get in." brett mumbled to eddy. eddy nodded.

they made it to the fancy looking building and brett got out and started walking to the doors, eddy following close behind. brett took two lefts and a right before going through two big doors. eddy never saw something so beautiful. there was a big table with a map on it and there was eight of the most feared generals. you could feel the tension in the air.
sorry for the clog hager ive just been really unmotivated lately

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