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once he heard the news, he lost it.

"i'm afraid that you will never be able to see again."

what hurt the most for him was that he heard eddy crying. he wasn't sure where he was looking. everything was black with a few very vague shapes.

it happened because...

"i'm sorry i should have been more careful."

because of the car wreck...

"i looked both ways and the eighteen- wheeler appeared there..."

because of a drunk driver...

"...where you were..."


"then... then you flew out of the window... so much blood..."


"i'm so sorry."
oof i'm sorry i didn't post anything for awhile.
i'll make another part to this and... be careful, it will make you cry both happy and sad.
sorry this is so short ; )

One shot book of TwoSetViolinKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat