memories are just that memories

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walking down the isle, slowly, looking at the one you love. getting to the alter, kissing the one you love, seeing their face afterwards.

he put on the sweater that doesn't quite smell like him anymore. he slowly goes to the kitchen, memories of him fill his head. he starts to cry as he overthinks everything he's done with him.

"you may now kiss the groom"

a kiss.

he sits on the floor as he cry's his eyes out as he struggles for breath. he gets up and wipe away his tears as they come, wishing he could wipe those tears away.

he try's to eat something but he doesn't make it very far. he gets dressed and out the door in 10 minutes.

he goes to the place he's gone everyday since then. he goes through the gates.

he goes inside the classroom. he sits in the very back, where no one will see him. he waits for tutoring to start. at the last second, a small boy with glasses and messy hair run into the classroom.

he slowly walks to his destination, afraid that something will happen.

"hello. i'm brett!"

"hello. i'm eddy."

he remembers the first time they met like it was yesterday. he misses him so much. he wishes he could have just a little more time with him and that he could say one last goodbye before they depart.

he makes it to the small tomb.

"brett yang. 1992-2021"

the words he never thought he'd see. he misses him so much.

"hey let's play after school!"


he sits in front of the tomb. he sways back and forth trying not to cry. it doesn't work. it never does. he misses him so much.

"will you go out with me?" timid


he remembers the first time he asked him out. the small boys hands shaking. he never really liked these kinds of things. he misses him so much.

"will you... will you marry me?" a knee

"yes" crying

he remembers the time he asked him to marry him. of corse he said yes. he swayed back and forth even more. he missed him so much.
HELLO SORRY FOR NOT POSTING AS MUCH AS I WOULD LIKE. i'm trying to post more in the new year but it's not working out as much as i would like. thank you for staying!

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