somewhere in between

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cw// talk of religion

he woke up.

"w-what? w-where am i?" he says to himself. all he can see is white, a table, and a bed.

on the table was a small note, entailing, "don't move. there's food in the fridge. i'll talk to you soon." he looked confused, almost worried.

"guess i just have to wait until they come back." he says to the abyss, the echo chipping at his soul.

he sits on the bed. at some time he falls asleep and is laying down. he has the covers on him but he doesn't remember when he put them on. he wakes up some hours later and sees a man.

he's small in stature, clad in glasses and a suit and tie. he talked slowly. "how are you?"

he look like he was confused. who was this man? why was he here? "i'm good? i'm sorry, but who are you?"

"no need to apologize," he says quickly. "i'm the in between. i'm the person that goes between the earth and heaven. you will meet gabriel soon. just sign these papers and you'll be on your holy way."

he was even more confused now. "uhm what happens if i don't sign the papers?" he asked questioningly.

"you will go to hell and we don't want that, do we?" he said the last two word through his teeth almost ashamed to even say the word "hell."

"oh, yes then i'll be signing the papers." he quickly signed the "x" 'd line at the bottom of the papers.

"ooo, that was the line saying that you wanted to go to hell." he said before wincing at the word.

"do i get to take that back and-" the paper blew up in flames before he could finish that sentence.

"remember, there's no way to take back anything in the afterlife. have fun with his minions, you'll need it." the word "satan" wasn't allowed through his lips, so he avoided it like a virus.


"no but's. try not to die again, then you'll really be in a pickle." he laughed at his attempted "joke" and went on his marry way back to the portal he came out of. he stopped before leaving. "just take a left down that corridor and you'll be there. make sure to say 'hi' to him for me."

a corridor appeared behind him and he went down it. taking a left, which was the only way to go, and he saw the gate to hell. he pressed the call button and a crude voice said "what are you here for?"

he paused for a moment. "i-i signed the papers. he-he said to take a left down the corridor?"

"jane, we got another one." he heard off the speaker. "now, i'll let you through the gates, just know that you time here will never be easy. and that your 'life' will be miserable." the voice hissed.

the gates opened and he saw flames and poor people being tortured by demons.

his life was going to be really hard


does anyone want this into a full book? i'll try to keep it updated!

One shot book of TwoSetViolinUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum