my best friend's hot

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Daichi Sawamura/Reader


Source: Haikyuu

Request: @0wlsenpai

"Oi! Daichi, wanna catch a movie together?" The tall brunet turned to the barely shorter than him teen who'd called out, a dastardly handsome playboy by the name of (L/n) (Y/n). His eyes were handsomely hooded as he waved, still standing some ways away and lazily making his way forward. Daichi's heart always did flips whenever (Y/n) was near, the fellow third year knowing all the right ways to make the volleyball captain fall head over heels without being aware of it. That was part of his charm, Daichi supposed. 

(Y/n) stopped right beside him, book bag slung over his shoulder as he rested his hands behind his head. Whether he was waiting for a reply or just staring at Daichi, the brunet couldn't exactly decide. (Y/n) was beautiful but his stare was always strangely vacant in a dozy way. Flipping open his phone, Daichi pretended to check his calendar before asking Suga if they had any 'plans'. In reality, he was asking Suga what in the world to do because this was not volleyball and this was not his forte. Suga eventually replied with a 'no', which meant take the offer or so help me God, Daichi.

"Yeah, I'm free. When did you wanna go?" (Y/n) looked up at the sky in thought, the dopey smile on his face hiding the fast paced thoughts on the inside of that cranium. 

"Well, I was thinking about going right now, since I'm already done with my homework - Ah, I could let you copy if you want." Daichi shook his head. He'd prefer to slave through any hard work than to copy off (Y/n). The teacher would know it, since (Y/n) had a strange way of wording things. The fellow third year grinned lazily, nudging the brunet beside him with a playful elbow. 

"You up for horror? There's a new horror movie playing in a theater not too far from here if you're down." Daichi, of course, nodded. He'd take any moment alone with (Y/n) that he could, never knowing when the other would find a new girlfriend and then all his attention would be occupied. Thankfully, there was no practice after school today so Daichi wouldn't have to skip. 

With the confirmation, (Y/n) immediately grabbed onto Daichi's wrist and started trekking ahead, leaving Daichi to stumble after him. Just the skin-on-skin contact made Daichi heat up under his collar, his tips of his ears turning red. He felt like an elementary schooler, which was exactly how old he was when he met (Y/n) and had subsequently gained a crush on the other boy. Since they met, the boys had been attached at the hip, going everywhere together. Wherever (Y/n) was, Daichi was as well. Funnily enough, the only one who wasn't aware of Daichi's super unsubtle crush was (Y/n) himself. No matter how many hints the brunet dropped, the barely a month younger never caught on. Or if he had, he ignored it. Daichi didn't know which one was more frustrating. At least with the former idea, Daichi could pretend he had some sort of chance, but it was a very slim one. He was pulled out of his thoughts by a hand squeezing his, the grip on his wrist no longer there. He focused on (Y/n), who was smiling at him with amusement.

"You were thinking pretty hard there, huh?" Daichi's face turned bright red as he scratched his cheek sheepishly, somehow worrying that (Y/n) could read his mind. The younger just grinned toothily and dragged his friend inside, handing over the tickets before beelining to the concessions. 

"Didja want anything? I'm paying so you don't gotta worry about it." Daichi wanted to refuse but it might make (Y/n) sad if he did. Apparently he had taken too long, as (Y/n) slipped a bag of skittles into his hand. "If you want anything of mine just ask." Daichi didn't know when (Y/n) had been able to make him so tongue tied, but it was getting tougher and tougher to fight against. Although this silence did make it easier for (Y/n) to take the initiative, which Daichi found incredibly hot. His position behind (Y/n) was much appreciated. 

They found which theater they were in, with (Y/n) choosing special seats in the middle with lifting arm rests. Daichi did point out that these weren't the seats they'd reserved, but (Y/n) just shrugged and gave him a cheeky grin that Daichi had to lean in to see in the dim theater. 

"Live a little, Daichi. Maybe we'll fight the people who did behind the theater after the movie." It was enough to make the brunet sweatdrop, but he didn't dare try to stop his friend. (Y/n) was more stubborn than his happy-go-lucky attitude let on. They messed around in the empty theater for a bit, mostly (Y/n) and Daichi messing with the recliners and lifting armrests, before the movie actually started and they quieted down beside each other. Whether the people who had reserved those seats or not arrived, they didn't know, since only about 3 other people entered the theater since they arrived, but as soon as the movie started, it felt like they were the only ones. 

The movie was alright, pretty cliche and cookie-cutter, but (Y/n) was interested in it, so Daichi willed himself not to fall asleep before it was over. A little over halfway through, a nudging on his knee alerted Daichi, who had been staring at the events playing on screen listlessly. He looked over to (Y/n), who appeared extremely sleepy. It was beyond precious.

"Psst, Daichi, move your armrest," the younger whispered loudly. With a confused expression, Daichi did as told. His heart nearly pounded out of his chest when (Y/n) laid his head on the brunet's lap, snuggling his face into the taller's thighs. Daichi could swear that he heard (Y/n) mumble something about thick thighs, but he couldn't really hear anything with the blood rushing to his face and the sound of his heartbeat in his ears. The rest of the movie was spent with Daichi sitting straighter than a ruler and (Y/n) snoozing away on his lap. Once the movie ended, Daichi really didn't want to wake him up, but they had to leave since it was almost (Y/n)'s curfew (his parents had to keep him on a leash somehow). The gentle shaking got (Y/n) half awake, but he was leaning against Daichi heavily as they left the movie theater. The two started walking home, but they hadn't even been walking for 5 minutes before (Y/n) almost fell over from sleeping while walking. Shaking his head, Daichi crouched in front of (Y/n).

"I'll carry you. You shouldn't sleep while walking, dummy." (Y/n) smiled as he climbed up on the taller boy's back, wrapping his arms around Daichi's neck. The brunet flushed at the feeling of (Y/n)'s long lashes fluttering against the bare skin of his neck and his hair tickling the back of his head, but he was able to stave off too big a blush by thinking about how his house was closer, so he'd have to call (Y/n)'s parents to ask if (Y/n) could stay the night. 

Unbeknownst to him, (Y/n)'s heart was beating just as fast, his face hot like an oven. He really loved Daichi. Squeezing his arms around Daichi's neck slightly in some sort of hug, he internally hoped that the brunet felt the same. After all, he planned to confess after their next game.


Another haikyuu one done. I hope Daichi isn't too OOC bc I haven't read/watched Haikyuu (i think the art is ugly forgive me ;-;) The music I add is just a recommendation to listen to while reading, and is also my inspiration for the fics so, y'all don't have to listen to them if you don't want to :p

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