mary on a cross || leone abbacchio

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{angst, fluff}

request by yaoihands77

source: jojo's bizarre adventure: vento aureo

artist: staryoruu on twt
Everything was painful as the light haired man stumbled through side streets, squeezing his aching and bloody side. Just a few more steps, he urged himself, ignoring how viscous and warm the blood that ran between his shaking fingers felt. Just a few more steps and he'd be with his beautiful gorgeous boyfriend. Just a few more. Just a few.

He heaved a shuddering breath, his body sore and begging to be let down, allowed to sink into the wet asphalt and rot. He wouldn't let it. Compliance to those wants would find him dead and unable to see the gentle, softly calloused hands that came to mind as soon as his eyes slid shut. He needed to see them again, needed to feel them again. He lurched forward, willing everything within him to just take those few more steps.

The loud slam on your 'office's back door had you jumping, nearly snipping your finger off with the small sewing scissors you were using to finish off the stitches. The man in your chair, some member of Passione that your 'husband' was acquainted with, simply waved you off, a grateful smile on his face. He knew you, as an actually sane underground doctor (not like Cioccolata, thank Mother Maria), had many patients that desperately needed your help. Besides, he could wipe down his stitches with alcohol by his own self.

You nodded, grateful, and went to your back door, prepared for somewhat copious amounts of blood. You hadn't expected to see Leone struggling to keep his eyes open as he slowly bled out of your doorstep. You couldn't hold back the strangled gasp that escaped you, immediately reaching your arms out to catch Leone. He fell on you heavily, making your knees almost buckle beneath his dead weight. You struggled to hold on to him, the blood pooling from his side making it hard to hold onto him. You turned back to look into the clinic, swallowing the shout building in your throat. The only other person in the clinic was your previous patient and he just had stitches put in; he wasn't going to be able to move Leone's full bodyweight without possibly pulling out the stitches.

You'd have to move him by yourself.

You grit your teeth and steeled yourself, moving Leone's heavy ass unconscious self further into the clinic, letting his body slump over onto your operating chair. It was reminiscent of a dentist's chair, which Leone had always teased you for since you yourself were nervous around dentists, but to see him bloody and mangled, hanging onto life by a thread ... you weren't sure if you could save him. It's not like you have the materials to give him blood transfusions. You swallowed hard and pinched the bridge of your nose, willing the stinging behind your eyes to disappear as you breathed deeply, calming down and getting into operation mode. Grabbing large cloth scissors, you took to cutting Leone's clothes off his torso in big chunks, swiftly but not hastily. The wound in his side made you clamp your teeth shut painfully, the acid burn of bile clawing at the back of your throat.

He'd need stitches, and a fucking lot of them.

Hurriedly, with alcohol and armfuls of rags, you cleaned the wound as best you could, enough to see the edges of the deep laceration. God, it went through muscle. You could feel your sinuses grow hot as your throat went tight as you continued to evaluate. The wound could easily get infected and realistically he was missing too much skin on the wound to merely stitch it together. It was like ... like a chunk of him was missing. You breathed heavily as you gathered dressing, dousing the wound in alcohol as you packed the gauze, covering it with a medical patch and wrapping it tightly in bandages to prevent infection. Your hands were practiced and quick even if they shook, and once you were done, you sat bonelessly on your rolling stool. In your haste you'd forgotten to put on gloves, but the scent of blood and peroxide on your hands didn't deter you from gripping your arms tightly in a self soothing hug, gaze never leaving your unconscious partner.

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