misery ain't half bad with company|| monoma neito

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{angst, fluff}

source: my hero academia, boku no hero academia


(Y/n) didn't usually listen to his boyfriend's provocations towards Class 1A. Their class placement didn't really mean anything big. It was just like honors classes for heroes. (Y/n) wasn't even all that excited about hero work himself. He was probably too soft for that, so he was fine where he was. Vlad King was a wonderful sensei too, not minding if (Y/n) got overwhelmed and tearful.Sure, it wasn't very heroic to start crying on the battlefield and let sensei carry you out of the training arena, but King - sensei didn't mind so it must've been okay. But to think that he could be treated like this ... 

The boy felt sick to his stomach. 

Or he would've if he hadn't been numbed by the throbbing pain in his face. A pale hand, smelling horribly of burnt sugar with his blood dripping down its knuckles, was front and center were his face would be if he were standing. 

"It's not a big deal, huh?! How's that for a big deal, useless extra!" (Y/n) gingerly touched his nose, wincing at the horrible pain that shot into his brain and behind his eyes, pulsing with pressure and ache. The entire cafeteria was watching him, some with hands covering their mouths in pure horror at the amount of blood that stained the fallen boy's entire lower face and his uniform, others merely gasping and cringing at the damage. 

Where was ... He felt like he should be looking for somebody. 

Dragging his hand away from his obviously broken nose was like a nightmare, all the sticky hot blood staining his hand, starting to blacken under the edges of his nails already. His face felt like it was on fire, a million degrees, and his eyes stung and burned. His throat tightened like he was choking, and he couldn't differentiate the tears from the blood. Glancing up at the boy who had punched him, (Y/n) couldn't hold the weak words coagulating in his trembling chest.

"To - tan was right about you ... " Red eyes clouded with confusion, a 'huh?' falling from the ash blonde's sharp, frowning mouth. 

Pale hands were in (Y/n)'s line of sight in a second, putting space between him and the aggressor. Neito had been so right about 1A ... how could they be so mean? He was defending them. (Y/n)'s head felt like he'd been dunked underwater, eyes struggling to stay open. 

Snap, snap!

Blinking was hard, focusing was hard, but it was like a bubble popped in his brain snapping it back into focus. Blue eyes, beautiful and clear like sea glass. Blonde ... (Y/n) inhaled sharply, the tears coming out quicker.

"To - tan!" He wailed, grasping at his boyfriend. He could barely understand the cottony words Monoma was asking him frantically, worriedly. He didn't want to answer any questions, he just wanted to cry like a baby. 

"To - tan, I wanna go to da nurse ... " Monoma didn't waste a second, picking up his injured boyfriend in a bridal carry and rushing out of the lunchroom, not without leaving Kendo to deal with that bloody aftermath with the 1A dickwad. The ringing in (Y/n)'s ears went away, letting him hear the frantic words Monoma was throwing his way. He simply clung to blonde carrying him tighter, gaining his attention. Monoma couldn't help looking down, making sure his perfect, sweet boyfriend was okay.

"(Y/n)? It'll be just fine, baby, okay? We're heading to the nurse, don't worry. Recovery Girl is gonna get you feeling brand new, alright?" (Y/n) nodded and sighed, hiccuping as a few stray tears lazily sprinted down his cheeks. Neito bit his bottom lip in worry, scanning over (Y/n) again and again.

"How're you feeling?"

"Dizzy ... but it's not so bad. Do I ... Do I really sound dat nasally?" Monoma couldn't help the strained chuckle he let out.

"You sound more stuffed up than that time you thought waxing your nose would be a good idea and got sick." (Y/n) weakly giggled, glad his boyfriend wasn't shitting himself that badly anymore. He felt ... okay. He didn't feel that faint anymore, but who knows. He could have a concussion. 

When Recovery Girl saw the damage to (Y/n)'s face, she was a little bit shocked. (Y/n) was one of the sweetest and least rambunctious students, just like Koda. How he got this hurt, especially during lunch period, was something she was not excited about finding out. 

She checked for a concussion and healed his nose with a swift kiss to a tacky - with - sweat forehead, saying that he could rest in one of the bed's once he felt stable enough to walk back to the dorms. Monoma was right there with him, using skin safe wet wipes to mop up the blood and snot on (Y/n)'s face. The softer boy scrunched up his face at the babying.

"My nose was broken, not my arms, To - chan. I can wipe my own nose." Monoma smiled, the quirk a tad weak. 

"But I want to. I should've never left you alone with those arrogant, pigheaded 1A bastards." His smile had dropped, instead turning into a pursed, thin line. (Y/n) frowned, his lips starting to quiver as his puffy eyes started stinging again. 

"Neito ... if only I was more like - " 

"Don't say that," the blonde shushed him. "You're perfect just the way you are. King - sensei says so, and that means that you're fine. You don't have to be stronger. Be stronger because you want to be for yourself, not because you think you have to because of some 1A jerks." (Y/n) couldn't help crying this time, sniffling a bit and replacing the blood with more snot. 

"Neito~ ... I don't deserve someone like you." The blonde furrowed his brows and frowned. He opened his mouth to retort, but (Y/n) beat him to it. "I must look like such a mess," he sniffled. "I wonder how you can even like me when I'm covered in blood ... and boogers." The last part was punctuated with a nasally giggle, Monoma's heart melting. His poor, poor baby ... 

"Well I think you're gorgeous always. Even covered in blood and boogers." (Y/n) playfully rolled his eyes, pushing Monoma's shoulder. The blonde couldn't help but laugh.

"No, I'm serious! C'mon, anybody with half a brain would fall head over heels for you in a heartbeat. I know I did," he winked, taking out his own handkerchief and going to hold it to (Y/n)'s nose. The injured boy flushed, reaching to take it out of his boyfriend's hand. Monoma brought his hand out of (Y/n)'s reach, shaking a finger. 

"I can do it!" (Y/n) huffed with a pout, crossing his arms. Monoma shook his head.

"Nope - ity nope!" He gently pressed the handkerchief to his precious boyfriend's nose, watching as (Y/n)'s brows refused to unknit stubbornly. 

"Blow." (Y/n) couldn't help the embarrassed heat that crawled up his neck as he blew his nose in his boyfriend's handkerchief covered hand. Successfuly cleaning the bloody leftover snot from (Y/n)'s nose, Monoma folded his handkerchief and dropped it in the bedside trashcan. The injured boy sighed and shook his head.

"You are such a weirdo." Monoma smiled, a squishy smile, like a playful kitty.

"But you'd do the same for me, wouldn't you?" (Y/n) didn't even have to think, a bright toothy smile gracing his face.

"Of course I would. I'm gonna marry you, stupid. Gotta get prepared for all the fights you're gonna get into." Monoma barked an astonished laugh, pinching his boyfriend's cheek. 

"Says you!"


whew!! whole fic typed in one night, hell yeah! i do not quite think I have monoma's personality grasped, but idc. hope he's not too ooc. 

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