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kaneki ken/cannibal!reader (sequel)


*biting, lil bit of chubby Kaneki (y'all won't stop me)*

Requested by so many people holy shit y'all rlly liked my 8th grade writing //for some reason but especially @CringeKink bc I said I would

Source: Tokyo Ghoul


His job at Anteiku had given him a chance for the better. Kaneki was coming to terms with his ghoulishness now, as awful as he still felt about it. But it was going away, slowly and surely. One thing that wasn't going away was (Y/n). He'd still seen him around campus, but that strange encounter had always gnawed at the back of his mind, making him doubt and double guess himself again and again. It was driving Kaneki insane. He'd heard of cannibals before but-...God, how was he supposed to react?

There was no build up to the meeting, no head or climax. It was as simple as (Y/n) passing him in the halls and asking cheekily if he could get a discount at that new cafe. The interaction couldn't have lasted more than 30 seconds, but it made Kaneki's heart jump in his throat. He wasn't sure if it was fear or something else.

He knew logically there wasn't anything to be afraid of. He could easily snap (Y/n)'s fragile human neck and there would be no one else to keep him up at night. Not really. Killing him wouldn't answer his multitude of questions. It might make him stay up longer, pondering what he'd never have the chance to know. That's why he decided to ask (Y/n) out. Not as a date....kind of like a date. But not a romantic one. A business date. Yeah, like an appointment. Wording it like that did not help Kaneki's case; he hated appointments and they always made him jittery. His thoughts stopped when (Y/n) pulled out the chair across from him and sat, foxy face pointed right at him.

"This doesn't look like Anteiku." Kaneki stuttered a little before he looked down at his hands, face on fire.

"They said they don't give discounts." Actually, no one at Anteiku had said any such thing, but it made (Y/n) laugh prettily, and that was a joy to listen to. It almost made him forget what he wanted to do.

After the laughter died down, Kaneki prepared himself to speak, idly running his fingers over his hands in a way to distract his overthinking mind. What he didn't expect was (Y/n) to lay a hand on top of his, their face tinged with worry as they looked at him.

"If there's something bothering you, you can always tell me. You know that, right?" Kaneki's voice died in his throat, only being to produce a little whimper. This didn't help his case. (Y/n) set his other hand on top of Kaneki's. Kaneki's brain blanked and all he could do was stare down at where his hands met (Y/n)'s, struggling to swallow as his mouth and throat dried. (Y/n) pursed his lips and, after staring at Kaneki's despondence, stood up, still holding Kaneki's hands.

"C'mon Ken, lets get you home. We can't have you out and about if you're feeling sick." Kaneki wanted to tell him that he was fine and that he shouldn't worry, but he didn't have a chance before (Y/n) had dragged him out of the cafe and towards the campus dorms.

When they got on campus, (Y/n) slowed his speed walk to a leisurely stroll, seeing as Kaneki hadn't thrown up or completely shut down. (Y/n) wrapped an arm around Kaneki's torso in a sort of crutch fashion, even though Kaneki hadn't needed help earlier.

"Do you want to go to your place, or mine?" Kaneki barely trembled out a small "mine" before (Y/n) started dragging him the other way, towards Kaneki's dorm. While they walked, (Y/n) kept looking back at him with a strange face. Kaneki didn't know what that was supposed to mean.

"Have you not been eating recently?" It seemed like a perfectly normal question for someone to ask. To Kaneki, it jolted right up his spine, the fact that (Y/n) was a cannibal starting to echo deafeningly in his head. Regardless, he nodded. He had eaten, as much as he tried not to. A look of relief flitted across (Y/n)'s face.

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