black sheep || higashikata josuke

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{fluff, minor angst}

request by yaoihands77

source: jojo's bizarre adventure: diamond is unbreakable

artist: official
Josuke was very sensitive about his hair - he didn't even let his mom touch it. It may seem like vanity to care so much about something as trivial as hair, but it wasn't to Josuke. It was an homage to the mystery man who saved his life as a child, so it was quite a big deal that he was letting you touch it at all. You were a special person to Josuke, different than the kind of special Okuyasu was. That's why his head was in your lap, not Okuyasu's, and he was letting you fix up his hair. Your hands deftly played with his tresses, hair products and combs littered around you as you worked. It was a lazy weekend and Okuyasu was spending the weekend with his dad, taking him on picnics and stuff. Your family was busy and Tomoko was having a girl's day out with another mom friend she'd met, so it was just you two in charge of the home. 

"Josukeeee, your brows are so nice and thick," you purred. Josuke snorted, continuing to flip through his shonen jump issue.

"You say that about everything about me, get some new compliments."

"It's true, though! You really are all sexy and vo~lup~tu~ous~!" Josuke cackled, hiding his face in the pages of the manga.

"Dude, shut up! I promised my mom we wouldn't do anything weird while she was gone." You rolled your eyes in tandem with twirling a strand of Josuke's obsidian locks around your index finger.

"Party pooper Tomoko strikes again! You know if your dad or your nephew was still in town she'd be going googoo eyes all over them - why can't we?" Josuke sighed, peeking over the edge of the book to raise an eyebrow at you.

"Something about us seeing each other every day and distance making the heart grow fonder and how she doesn't want to see the fallout when we get sick of each other or whatever." You gave an exaggerated pout and a quiet mumble of 'unfair' before going back to your work, letting the whir of the living room fan and the white noise of some show lull you back into a state of focus. It had changed from some kid's show to a rerun of a seasonal shonen, the flashing colors of a mecha zooming across the screen in your periphery giving you a sense of peace.

It took a bit more fiddling and a few more bobby pins and at least one more scoop of product, but you finally finished your work. You threw your hands up in victory, a small "yosh!" tumbling from your lips before you nabbed your hand mirror from the back of the armchair you both were cramped in. You handed it to Josuke, flicking his cheek when he didn't look up from his manga, and he eagerly grabbed it, eyes glued to the glass. He sat up, turning his head from side to side as a wide smile grew on his face.

"(Y/n), this is so cool! Where'd you learn to do hair like this?! Man this rocks -" He reached a hand up into his hair, grinning even wider at the feel. "And my hair still feels soft with the product in it! You must be some kinda genius, man!" You could only wave your hand bashfully at Josuke, cheeks hot.

"Just what I'm good at, it's no biggie." "No biggie?! Big biggie, dude! I love this style so much ... Hey!" Josuke stood to block the TV, turning to look at you. "Y'know who this reminds me of?" He struck a pose and spoke in an artificially deep voice in an attempt to sound seductive.

"Purinsu~" You couldn't help laughing, face cheerfully glowy.

"That American singer I told you about?" Josuke scoffed, scrunching his nose.

"You didn't tell me about Prince - we found out about him together!" You nodded, giving an exaggerated apology.

"Right, right, sorry. The one we found." The two of you laughed together before you happened to glance up at the clock, hissing in disappointment.

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