6 - Delivery Room (Old version)

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Hello, my lovely readers! Here's another chapter for you. Chapter 6. A little person is finally here. Enjoy!


Every servant and maids had rushed from their rooms, as they heard their queen's cries. They were all over the place.

Sebastian saw so many people who are in the castle. "Is there a doctor yet!?" King Maxwell asked, finally going into the delivery room.

He put his queen down on the bed, she squeezed her eyes tight. "Sweetie, don't panic too much. You're scaring the maids" Queen Gabriella said, trying to ignore the pain.

The castle doctor finally came in, and the whole room went silent. Queen Gabriella huffed, struggling to breathe. "Let's get this started," said the doctor, Alexander.

King Maxwell looked at his queen, squeezing her hand tight. She smiled weakly, ready to see her daughter.


The whole castle was quiet as heard the cries from their queen. Sebastian stood next to King Maxwell. Suddenly, they both heard a baby cry. King Maxwell had tears in his eyes. Doctor Alexander walked out of the delivery room, smiling.

"Congratulations, your highness, it's a girl," he said.

King Maxwell thanked Doctor Alexander, and he and Sebastian walked into the room. Queen Gabriella smiled while holding their baby, Rainie.

"She's beautiful," King Maxwell said in awe, as she handed over Rainie.

Little Rainie yawned, holding the king's finger. He tried not to break down in tears.

The small family was happy, and can't wait for her to grow up to be a beautiful young lady, a princess of the kingdom of Warrenville.

Yet happiness never ends well.

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