5- Who Is This Kid?

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Their eyes were focused on Sebastian, who was standing in front of the tall and mighty knights that he had to see daily now that he didn't have to live in the streets anymore. Nobody didn't dare to say a single word but surrounded him. Why is there a child in the field?

A field that no child like him doesn't belong in. "Um,” Sebastian starts, to break the uncomfortable silence.

They have been staring at me for quite a while now right when Ron brought me here with the other knights,  he thought, glancing over to Ron, looking for help.

Ron seemed to notice, he sighed, looking like he had no choice but to make everyone stop staring at Sebastian.

"Everyone, this is our newest member, Sebastian Manzo.  So please don't pressure him with whatever questions you have in your mind," Ron explained to his members, knowing in mind that Queen Gabriella allowed this young boy to join, by the way, how young he was.

No knight didn't dare say a word, knowing what would happen to them. Sebastian did understand the consequences he had put himself into, as the only way to survive. Now that he joined the knights of a kingdom to witness his life to protect the queen and king of the new land he now has to deal with.

Lost in his thoughts, Sebastian noticed that the knights were back staring at him once again, and he didn't realize that he zoned out. Ron, who was standing next to him, sighed, exhausted from a long day, and wanting to rest, he spoke up, "Alright, we have a big day tomorrow, so I counted on everyone to be here early in the morning." Ron glanced down at Sebastian, "As for you, Sebastian, you will have someone to tour you around the kingdom tomorrow, so that you will know yourself around here when something important or emergency that the queen or king needs you to do. Got it?"

Sebastian knew that now that he wasn't in The City of Bibrense anymore, he didn't have to deal with the people who had treated him while he had tried to survive right after his parents died.

"I got it," Sebastian finally said, seeing a nod from Ron.

Ron turned back to face the other knights and saw William heading over, seeming he had come back from taking back the guards from earlier. William, who just got back, saw Sebastian beside Ron, dumbfounded by the situation and confused about why a kid from earlier was having a problem with the guards. The baker, Ron, and William had chased after the kid, who was now on the field with the others. Trying not to go into the consequences of his thoughts.

But, did something happen while I was gone having to deal with the mess from that kid, William assumed, having his fingers combing through his white locks, just to hear Ron speak?

"Alright, everyone, we all have another big day coming through tomorrow, so back in our dorms," he had said before he turned to face Sebastian. "As for you, I have to take you to your room so that when you wake up tomorrow, you're going to be on tour around the castle. "

Everyone has dismissed themselves, leaving only William, Ron, and Sebastian on the field. Neither of them said a word.  Breaking the silence, William spoke out, "Is that the boy from earlier?"

Ron sighed. He didn't feel like answering any questions from anyone and wanted to rest for the day.

"William, you and I will talk about this later, now, let's get some rest," Ron told him, ignoring the question that William just asked.

William had so many questions in his mind that he didn't want to talk about later. Asked once again just to get an answer, "Who planned to let this kid in here?"

Ron glared at him, warning William not to say another word out of his mouth. Sebastian, who was standing awkwardly silent, spoke up, "I did, I have asked Her Majesty to let me join you guys because I'm tired of living in the alleys."

William was dumbfounded, wondering why would their queen let a kid like him join them by becoming a knight, knowing the consequences of being one. Not going further with questions, William stared down at Sebastian and declared, "Don't expect anyone to help you out when you get into the field. "

He left after saying that, leaving Ron and Sebastian in the field. Ron groaned, "Just ignore him, Sebastian.  He always acts like others. So, don't let his words get into you. Well, come on, let's get you to your room."

Following Ron back to the dorms, Sebastian glances back to see William, who went a different direction to go back to the dorms, just to have his words trapped in his mind.


Hello, sorry for the long wait for an update, I have been busy and struggling with this chapter, but gladly I have gone through it, and I'm so surprised that this story is almost in a thousand reads. This is new to me, and thank you for reading this story, I have never thought this story was going to get this far as it is now. Well, that's all.


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