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A happy family doesn't always mean it has to be perfect. As for someone out of jealousy. Who couldn't have a child of their own? 

Parker Nelson and his beloved wife, Kylie, struggle to have a child of their own. They try everything they can to bring a child into this world. That the doctor told them it was impossible.  

Not till one day, Parker has this brilliant idea that would perhaps change him and his wife forever. He knew it wouldn't be an easy start, yet it was worth the try for their happiness. 

He knew he would do anything for his wife, just by going out of town for a few weeks where he would find a place that no human belongs. In the middle of the forest, there was something mysterious about it. 

In the middle of nowhere in the forest, no humans who don't belong in a place of the unknown. He knew it wouldn't be an easy task to his plan, and he didn't want to ruin his wife. Parker must stand the danger of an unknown fantasy world that's way different than his. 

Just to bring a child into their world. 

Hello, Akilah here! 👋🏽 I know I haven't updated this story since last month, but I'm trying my best. 😣 so here's the update for you, lovely readers. Please enjoy 😉 bye-bye 👋🏽

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