Prologue (Old version)

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Once there's a faraway castle in the middle of the woods where no human isn't allowed into this magical world that's full of mysterious creatures that you have never seen before just in front of your eyes.

That's ruled by the powerful kingdom of Warrenville. The people had known each other and would do anything for their kingdom. They care more about their king and queen.

In Warrenville, their queen was going to have a baby soon. They can't wait to protect their queen's baby.

They couldn't wait when the baby would rule Warrenville. As much for the king and queen.

"Maxwell stops worrying and go back to your office" huffed the queen, Gabriella.

The king, Maxwell couldn't stop, worrying about his queen and his child. They were the rulers of the kingdom. Including the most powerful wizard and witch ever.

"My dear, go get some rest. Don't stress yourself out while having our child" King Maxwell panicked.

She chuckled. They knew their child was going to be a girl. "Little Rainie, your father's worrying too much. Don't you think he should go back to work?" Queen Gabriella whispered to their child.

She felt a kick. "I believe our daughter agrees" she giggled.

He smiled, kissing her on the cheek. "In my power, I'll protect our small family," he said while going back to his office.

Sometimes small moments never end well.



Hello, me again. Hehe. Hope you enjoy the prologue. Well, I believe that's all I got to say.


Trapped from Reality ( Edit |On Hold | Rewriting)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora