Chapter 66: ultrasound

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I decided to get a ultrasound of my baby now that I'm one month pregnant and I couldn't be any happier. Though the mood swings and hormones were driving me crazy But Draco seemed to be loving it. There's not a night where we don't make out or do something more. But it's slowly dying down and isn't as bad anymore which he also seems annoyed about when he wanted to 'have some fun' last night and I simply said I was tired.

Narcissa and draco are coming with me to the ultra sound. I've already told Percy and sally and the others form camp who I was close with. Hermione and Ella was freaking out along with ginny. Ella's pregnant again she got pregnant the same month as me so hopefully we have our babies together.

Ginny was on my back how she better be the god mother and be an aunt or she'd be disappointed in me. Which I ended up crying about when she said that. Just hormones and mood swings, but that was during my third week of pregnancy.

"Love, we should go now your appointment is in twenty" Draco says waking into the room as I change into a regular tee. My belly hasn't started to show much yet just a tiny baby bump that Draco likes to rub when we cuddle on the bed or couch.

"Okay, give me a sec I'm changing into some shorts" I say before grabbing his hand and walking out in the car.

He'll even talk to the baby when he thinks I'm asleep and it's adorable. But he also likes to lay on my stomach which I don't mind but not when I'm pregnant because I feel like I'm gonna pee when he does. But I let him. I've been exceeding more now so I don't gain a lot of weight but my eating habits are still the same. The other night I made lasagna and ate three plates of it plus dessert. But Draco ate the rest of the lasagna, so sometimes I think he's the one pregnant. I think it's just him acting out for me because of him getting nervous for the baby.

"How long do you think it will be until we find out the gender of the baby?" He asks me.

"Probably around the third or fourth month of the pregnancy" I tell him. He nods.

"But I want hermione, Ella, and ginny to plan a baby reveal for me, so we won't be finding out until later" I say. He looks at me and rolls his eyes.

"Why do you girls have to go all out for everything, why can't we be the ones to know first" he says annoyed. He's jealous because he won't now first.

"Because it's a whole lot more fun, plus your just jealous because you won't be the first to know but don't worry I'm making your mom wait too" I laugh. During the whole ride to my appointment he rest his hand in my lap against my stomach.

When we get to the hospital we get out and make our way to the front desk to check in for our appointment. "The name and date of birth please"

"Vivian malfoy" I tell her my name and birthday and she tells us to wait until we are called. I watch as a mother and her two children walk with her. I smile looking down at my own baby to be. Draco notices me and lays a hand protectively on my stomach.

"Vivian malfoy" a nurse comes out smiling and beckons me and Draco to go ahead. When we get into the room I see Narcissa is already here waiting in a chair. "Mother when did you get here!?" Draco asks.

"I've been here" she says waving him off.

"Alright I'm going to have you pull your shirt up just under your chest and we'll have some questions for you to answer after the ultrasound" she says giving a brief smile.

I watch as she grabs some gel and the ultrasound scan and place some gel on my stomach. Draco is holding my hand and watching as she spreads the gel on my stomach with the scanner. I look at the screen as she moves it around and I start to see something move. "Ahh look there they are" the nurse says kindly.

Draco's is looking at the screen with a huge smile plastered on his face. I can't help the warm feeling that runs through my heart. Narcissa is in tears and squeezing my hand. I see my baby move a little bit not a lot.

"He's healthy so that's very good, we'll need to ask you a few questions and then we'll schedule your next appointment and by then we should know a due date" she says to me I look to Narcissa and she nods. The ministry gave us permission to obliviate the nurses and use imperio to delete information on us.

There's witches and wizards in the wizarding world who do this but it was so full so we decided to do it here today. Narcissa smiles sadly at the woman and cast the spell and we leave, she does the same to the lady and uses imperio to delete any information on us.

The last time we come here for certain. The whole reason I moved to the wizarding world was to get away from the mortal world.

"Well that was fun, did you get the baby pictures?" Draco asks. I smile and nod looking at them.

"Are you hungry?" Narcissa asks me. I shake my head 'no' and walk to the car but Narcissa keeps on insisting I eat something.

"If not for you, for the baby's sake" she says looking at my belly and smiling.

"Narcissa I'm not hungry" I say

"Well I don't care you will eat and feed that baby, we can get some good pizza or good sandwiches" she says looking around.

We end up eating at a sandwich place and I get a fried chickens sandwich that has avocado and white cheese. I eat only half of it since it's big and I can save it for later. I take a sip of my water and look around. I see other people go about their day ignoring the fact that's there's something beyond them out there in the universe. In fact there's people who are so set on it that they shut it all down.

"I'm tired is it alright if we leave earlier" I say to them. Draco nods and stands up with me and we say our goodbyes to his mother and leave for home.


When we arrive home I decide I want to take a nice bath and listen to some music and relax. I walk up the stairs and to the bathroom starting the water as I go through get my clothes. The tub fill with water and soap I put in. I decide to sleep in one of my night gowns.

As I sit in the tub and lay back listening to music I hear the door cream open with footsteps padding in. I open them to see Draco undressing with clothes in hand.

"I'm going to join you" is all he says. I move up and give him space so I can lay my head against his chest when he gets in. When he gets in I do as I wanted and feel his arms wrap around me. He strokes my little bump In the water and kisses my temple.

"I've always hoped I get a family of my own and here I am getting what I wished, my childhood was never what I hoped for but I will make sure our kid has a better childhood then I had, we'll give him lots of love and affection, same with our next kid if we have one after" he says smiling. I feel like I'm going to burst with happiness.

"I love you, Draco" I say snuggling into him.

"I love you always, Vivian" he lays his chin on my head and we relax enjoying the soft tunes of the music playing.

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