Chapter 27

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A/n: just to let you know I'll soon being doing povs of Harry and Draco more soon so you have an inside look of what there thinking

Vivian's POV

I wake up and it's 7:45am I lay in bed and feel my lips remembering the kiss from last night and how it left tingles there and how he left my body in shivers I've never felt so much passion with someone and it's honestly scaring me I don't know if I can risk letting someone getting hurt because of me so I have to stop these feelings from forming or at least try to

I do my daily routine and get dressed in sweats and a hoodie and brush out my hair and leave to get breakfast I heard pansy decided to stay over break and not leave today like everyone else except those who can't

I walk into the Great hall and grab some fruit and toast and put butter on them and begin eating but I notice that Dumbledore isn't at the staff table and neither is McGonagall I turn back to eating and then I hear the doors slam open and I turn to see who it is and my face falls in frustration

It's clarrise out of all the people he could send he chose clarrise I see that will and another Kid from herms has come also I don't care for will and Adam I think his name is but CLARRSIE!

"HEY SEA HAG MISS ME?" I sat And up and glare at her and she came to me, a lot of people are staring including pansy's and Draco he seemed to go back to his annoying jerk self today

"What the hell are you doing here clarrise?!" I glare at her and she grins
"Well Chiron sent me I thought he told you" I know for a fact she knows he didn't she probably begged him to let her come

I grit my teeth "no he didn't and you know just as good as well he didn't"
She glares at me "are you sure maybe that small kelp of a brain you have didn't listen" she shoves me and and I shove her back and pull out riptidon and she pull out her sword as well

"Do you really want to do this clarrise your only going to embarrass yourself" she glares at me and strikes me with her sword slashing a cut in my arm next thing I know we are Battling each other and everyone is staring I knock all her attempt to hit me again with her sword we clash and clang our swords and I feel the hot blood flow down my arms

"Just give up Diaz you can't always be the best at everything that why your mother died because you couldn't let go of that fact you were born to lose" this makes my blood boil and my eyes are glowing fiercely I manage to knock her sword out of her hand and drop kick her and she falls with a stud I hear gasps

"Don't FUCK With me clarrise!" I see Harry, Hermione and Ron gaping at me with wide eyes

"I'm not afraid of you Diaz" I throw my sword at the door and it goes right through it and clarrise tries to get up and get her sword and she tries slashing at me again but I summon water and the windows and doors burst open with water I summon it to flow around me and and I heal my arm with it and then turn my gaze at clarrise who looks frightened

"Vivian I was only joking" she says and I hear her voice crack a little and I raise The water high over my head glaring at her with hatred and I go to release the water On her but...before someone screams STOP!
"STOP!" I look over to see who it is and it's Percy but he's alone

"Vivian you have to stop don't do this I know you wouldn't intentionally do this"
He tries soothing me but at the moment I'm focused on my anger

"Don't tell me what I would and wouldn't do Percy none of you very truly know me and I won't back down I'm sick and tired of her fucking crap" Percy stomps up to me

Mixed blood (a percy Jackson and Harry Potter story)(draco lover story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu