Chapter 23

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It's the second week of December and Malfoy has been ignoring me since that night Plus everyone's taking about the Yule ball and people are staring to receive letters from other students asking them if they would go with them as a date to the Yule ball
When I walk into The Great Hall there's a lot of people staring at me but I shrug it off and go to the slytherin table

"Have you gotten any invitations to attend the ball with someone?" Ella raises her eyebrows raised at me "have you?" I shrug I haven't heard anything about someone asking me to go so I guess not

"No haven't received anything and I'm honestly glad" I bet pansy has the biggest grin on her face that no one has asked me to go to the Yule ball but it's oh well "have you already gotten your Yule ball dress" Ella smiles but shakes her head no

"No but I'm going to Twilfitt and tatting's this Saturday and I was hoping you would come with me" Ella puts on the biggest puppy dog face but she honestly looks weird doing That face "okay I'll go but stop doing that face" Ella laughs and I begin eating the fruit I put in my plate but then a owl comes in and drops a card in my lap

"What does it say?" I open it and read it to find that some kid from hufflepuff has asked me to the Yule ball "it's just an invitation to the Yule ball" Ella squeals with excitement and several people look at her

As I put the letter down onto the table another owl comes in and drops it in my hand and again it's another invitation but then another owl comes in follows by two more owls and they drop the in my lap and The next thing I know I'm being swarmed by owls dropping invitations to the Yule ball "oh my god! Stop giving me these" by the time all the owls leave I have at least fifty Yule ball invitations and I see pansy's mouth drop and she glares at me

"I guess people do want to take me to the Yule ball after all right pansy" she gives me a hard glare but I just wink at her and I see Malfoy looking at all the invitations I put on the table "oh my Merlin's sake how am I ever supposed to get asked to the Yule ball if they are all asking you" Ella laughs and I scrunch up my nose

After breakfast I head into charms and Draco is sitting at the desk I always sit at "what are you doing?" I give him an annoyed glare "I'm sitting what does it look like?" Instead of replying I turn around to find a different seat but all the others are already taken so I have no choice but to sit with Malfoy. I turn around and I see he has a smirk on his face

"I thought you weren't speaking to me?" I look at him with an annoyed look, he has been ignoring me for these past few weeks why is he just now taking to me
"I wanted to tell you that you have to begin tutoring me" I scoff at him

"You didn't seem to need my help when you ghosted me after telling me to help you that afternoon" Draco laughs and I punch him using a little of my Demigod strength

"Shit oww! Why the hell did you do that there's gonna be a bruise left" he has a pained expression and is glaring at me
"Because I'm sick and tired of you making every little thing I say into a fucking joke or insult"

We finish the class and I ignore him through out it and he ends up scooting his chair closer to me and I can feel the heat form his body rolling off causing my stomach to twist his scent smells of peppermint and cologne a very pleasant mix almost sexy.

We end up having to work together and I notice him looks down and look at the skin exposed from my skirt rising up. "Pervert"

He looks up and smirks before biting his lip playfully. I roll my eyes and go back to work.

When class ends I stand up and shove my things into my bag but it's hard since I also shoved all the letters in there.

Mixed blood (a percy Jackson and Harry Potter story)(draco lover story)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum