Chapter 36 voldemort?

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I'm waiting in the stands, waiting for the third task to begin I don't understand what's so entertaining about these magical tournaments but I can tell you demigod's life is much more entertaining than this. It's quite boring actually just staring at nothing really waiting for someone to return. But I guess I have to get used to this considering I'm gonna be stuck here for three more years.

I'm sitting beside Draco with his arm draped around me. It's quite comforting and I love it b it I'm also uncomfortable because I'm not used to this kind of contact, Harry hasn't been staring at me anymore to be honest actually he's more distant I think he had a crush on me but I think it passed because now we're more of good friends.

"I bet you pottah will make it out last, that twit always being the center of attention"I hear Draco say to crabbe who's sat on the other side of him. I glare at him and smack his shoulder. "Oww, What the hell Vivian?"

"Stop talking shit Draco, your the most prideful person here" I scold him and earn an eye roll coming from him
"If your so worried about him why don't you make him your boyfriend instead" his tone changing from angered to jealousy. Lately he's been jealous a lot every time a boy looks my way or give me a tiniest bit of a smile he glares at them. It's quite annoying because now everyone is staring to be scared to be around me with him around.

"Maybe I will draco at least his nose won't be stuck up his ass" I scoff at him. I look at him and I see hurt in his eyes which is gone as quickly as it came turning into hatred "don't say that to me"

"Say what Draco?" I edge him on

"Don't talk about leaving me...for Potter or anyone for that matter" his hatred and anger replaced with hurt. I soften my face and give him kiss on the lips and snuggle into him more earning a jealous glare from pansy "what do you want Parkinson? Why are you staring?"

"You slutty family recker, you stole Dracy poo away from me" I laugh at her and she marches up to me "what are you gonna do pansy fight me, punch me, throw spells at me?" Pansy looks at me with hatred I stand up and I sense her feeling intimidated by me

"You know just as well that you won't because it's all In the name PaNsy because that's exactly what you are a fucking pansy" she looks at me with embarrassment

"Didn't think anyone would know huh? Didn't think anyone would know what your name actually means?" She stays silent with an angered look on her face along with tears as she stomps away

I turn around to see draco amused with a smirk on his face "that was hot" he says smirking "but may I ask what is a pansy really?"

"It's basically a coward or in other terms can mean a faggot" I say shrugging "but it's much worse to be called a pansy Than any of those two because a pansy has more than just one meaning but those two are the main ones"

"Hmm..I should start calling Potter that what do you think?" I playfully slap him and lay my head on his shoulder


Not to long into the task that fleur delacour comes out and obviously forfeiting and making it in last place. We wait and watch as fleur is taken under the care of madam pomfrey for any injuries. Draco makes a joke about how the beaubaxton girl lost because she's to worried about her makeup than winning.

"I bet you Harry is next to forfeit that sorry sod" I hear Draco scoff and I was gonna a old him for his harsh words but I found no pint in it no matter how much I try he won't listen.

Not to long after does Viktor krum come out being disqualified from the tournament leaving Harry and Cedric still in the tournament leaving everyone in excitement wondering which of the hogwarts champions will come out for the win and glory.

I decide to read one of my favorite books front the twilight series (lol some will know why I chose this book) me of course being team Edward. I'm near the middle of the book when I hear screams of cheers all around me even Draco is jumping up and cheering. I look up and see Harry and Cedric only Harry is laying over Cedric Diggory who is laid on the ground not moving.

There's a scream coming from Harry before he's starts yelling "He back! Voldemort he's back!" And the crown screams is fright and some of the students are scrambling to leave and some running to see e body of Cedric Diggory.

"My boy! THAT'S MY BOY!" A man cries who I suppose is Cedric's father run over to his body and starts sobbing into his son's chest

Not to long after Dumbledore is telling students to return to the school. I would be lying if I said I was in tears because I'm not, not because I don't feel bad but because I've seen death to many times in my life and you tend to just accept it and move on. My heart turned cold after so many deaths I guess my hearts staring to thaw though but only for someone. I pull Draco away from the scene who looks at me worried.

"Are you alright?" He Turns to me and I just nod my head and show him that I'm completely fine

"Are you not scared or hurt? How are you not crying like everyone else?" I shrug my shoulders "it's something you grow up to live with in my world draco" His face softens at my words

"By the way who the hell is voldemort? I know he's mentioned a lot I've only spoken about him once to the trio but who is he?" He looks at me shocked Th at I don't know about the villain of their world

"He's the biggest dark wizard of our kind tried killing Potter when he was baby but only getting himself almost killed" he says with truth

"Oh I guess that's not that bad" I shrug and he looks at me like I'm crazy "not bad?! NOT BAD! are you crazy he's killed many wizards and witches of the wizarding world"

"Yea maybe so but he's no match for me or the gods" I say simply "yeah I guess your right I mean help killing a god older than us humans that's must be more scary than what we're up against" he says grinning

"Yeah plus another war is coming for us, for me to kill gaea one of the first gods of the world before the titans and the Greek gods" I sigh

"You'll get Through this vi" he says rubbing circles on my back I smile and look into those grey orbs of his and he looks into my golden/sea blue streaked eyes. He leans in and tilts his head and I do the same connecting our lips with desire and passion, and love?

I wrap my arms around his neck while he pulls me in wrapping his arms around my waist I kiss him deeply and tangle my hands in his hair. I feel his tongue track my lower lip asking for entrance I tease him by smiling and keeping a closed kiss. He grabs in annoyance and moves his hands from my hips to my bum giving it a squeeze making me gasp giving him the opportunity to slip his tongue in.

He continues exploring my mouth fighting for dominance which he wins and entangling our tongues and tasting each other. I pull out of the kiss for air and so does he. He pulls me in for another kiss and we finally depart.

"We should probably get going before they freak out" I say and he nods grabbing my hand dragging me with him.

Mixed blood (a percy Jackson and Harry Potter story)(draco lover story)Where stories live. Discover now