Chapter 53: no!

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Warning this chapter includes suicide please skip this chapter of its to much for you.

It's been awhile since I was in the hospital wing suffering from the flu. Draco had visited me every day and tried to force me to eat several times even to the point where he tried to feed me soup while I was sleeping hoping I'd eat it but that didn't happen instead I choked on it and almost vomited on him in the process. Madam Pomfrey had scolded him and chased him out of the hospital wing.

"That boy! Never stops does he" she says applying a cold wet cloth to my forehead. I grunted in response beige falling back to sleep.

But that was two months ago. Times has been going buy and I had already taken my newts tests. I was for sure I did good on them if not then all those stupid months wasted on studying was pointless.


I had woken up next to Draco he hadn't been sleeping as much no matter how many times I'd try. He would stay up late working on that cabinet in the room of requirements his face had sunken in and he'd also gotten terrible eye bags under his eyes. It was noticeable to a lot of people but everyone chose to ignore it thinking he just has a sickness.

I decide that maybe he just need my support and presence rather than my constant bugging of him to eat and sleep more. So I kept quiet around him most times. Sometimes I felt as though we were drifting apart. He's cuddle me and kiss my cheek but I didn't feel as if he was all there like there was no emotion or love behind the actions.

I'd see him speak with Astoria and they seemed to spend a whole lot more time together than he did with me. I chose to ignore it and think of it as a friendly action that she was just checking on him. After all he can have friends who are girls and not be anything more than that.

I had decided to sit with Harry, hermione, and Ron today during lunch at the gryffindor table. I had gotten closer with brother, Fred. Me and him would have late night talks when Draco would be staying late fixing the cabinet. We'd talk through letters of course or sometimes he'd sneak into hogwarts to talk to me.

"Hello iv'an" Ron says with his mouth full. It was a disgusting sight but he'd had gotten better at using his manners.

"Hello Ron, how was classes?" I smile. He takes a big gulp of his pumpkin juice before speaking. "It was alright still can't believe I was stuck in slughorn a class though" I shake my head and laugh lightly.

"Ron..we have options together I know this already" I chuckle before taking a bite of my pasta. He grins face blushing in embarrassment.

"Oh right, forgot about that" he says. I look over to Harry who's being quiet and lost not a normal sight you'd see often. He'd normally alway have something to add in.

" and malfoy okay?" Ron says with disgust laced in Draco's name.

"Yeah are you okay? I've noticed you two haven't been together as much  and he seems to spend an awfully amount of time with Astoria Greengrass" she says. So they've noticed it too? I thought it as just me being a jealous fiancé.

"Oh yeah we're great he's just been busy lately" I lie. She smiles and nods before adding in " I'm glad  to hear that" I force a smile and try not to think to much on it.

"Well I should head to my next lesson I don't want to be late like last time." I fake a laugh.

"Yeah?, well we'll catch you later then" hermione says.

I walk to my next class which is D.A.D.A with Professor snape. I've never been one to get into trouble with him and I've never knelt been late to one of his classes that was just a lie to get out of that conversation with Ron and hermione.

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